LOL yeah I know. But I look at the title really more than anything at this point aside from the size. I certainly know that thats not always the case with larger plants. Im refering to the title really more than anything. if your gonna do a Battle for a year long grow,why not start in the first cycle of the yr. or close anyways, then eliminate over wins and losses per style and then the last two cycles are judged the same way with the last person standing takes it.LOL! thats all Im really say here.size?!eh,happens a lot but agreed small ones win too but nowhere nearly as often that I know of. but the battle and title. why one battle? why not for the best grower of the year be more like a real battle to figure out who IS the better grower.cycle in and cycle out. . . ? dunno thats all Im saying but I know you guys are stupidly overworked hands down. but for a title like that. ya know. kinda needs to be earned . lol Sorry. ill be quiet now LOL

@Eyes on Fire ..

[HASHTAG]#growbattles[/HASHTAG] started this year with the [HASHTAG]#fastbudsgroweroftheyear2017[/HASHTAG] ..they were the first to try the format.

We didn't know if it would work..or if anyone would even sign up..:headbang:

It worked...then everyone started wanting [HASHTAG]#growbattles[/HASHTAG] for their own favourite vendors.. the time the FB one played out..we didn't have time left in the year to put the qualifying legs in for anyone else.

So this just have a 1 round we can get 5 Winners to go through to be the Defending Champions for the 2018 Finale.

2018 you will have the 3 full legs...same as FB got this year.

Round 1 ..start 1st to all 5 go through to the Championship battle starting 1 st September 2018

Round 2..start 1st to all 5 go through to the Championship battle starting 1st September 2018

Round 3...Winners from the first 2 legs only..and the Defending Champions from 2017....Battle of the Champions.
@Eyes on Fire ..

[HASHTAG]#growbattles[/HASHTAG] started this year with the [HASHTAG]#fastbudsgroweroftheyear2017[/HASHTAG] ..they were the first to try the format.

We didn't know if it would work..or if anyone would even sign up..:headbang:

It worked...then everyone started wanting [HASHTAG]#growbattles[/HASHTAG] for their own favourite vendors.. the time the FB one played out..we didn't have time left in the year to put the qualifying legs in for anyone else.

So this just have a 1 round we can get 5 Winners to go through to be the Defending Champions for the 2018 Finale.

2018 you will have the 3 full legs...same as FB got this year.

Round 1 ..start 1st to all 5 go through to the Championship battle starting 1 st September 2018

Round 2..start 1st to all 5 go through to the Championship battle starting 1st September 2018

Round 3...Winners from the first 2 legs only..and the Defending Champions from 2017....Battle of the Champions.
Get caught with our nickers down did we Auntie :eyebrows: Will we be adjusting the rules ?? or will they remain the same . ??
Update . Move over @wwwillie :cooldance:
Sorry can't forget my home boy Loki....

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Lmao maybe the little one thought better of it, and he just wanted to help lmao
I'm slow in the first picture of this post I was like "which one is Loki"? It registered though didn't take that long I still feel stupid though. Bad ass picture though.
Ya I know they're family and all, just wrecks my nerves. He did it to a sour livers beginning of the year and it lived and bounced back twice. 3rd times the charm, he just had to finish it off. He's a Maltese, and smart as hell, that's what I don't understand. "No means No, Waffles" lol oh yeah his name is Waffles.
Get caught with our nickers down did we Auntie :eyebrows: Will we be adjusting the rules ?? or will they remain the same . ??

Nope @1939bear ..:coffee:..[HASHTAG]#fastbudsgrowerof2017[/HASHTAG] is Exactly what we thought/wanted/planned as the blue print for 2018 Battles...:headbang:..

which is what it was set up for..

Just because you lot jumped on board when you all saw how much Fun they were having..and AFN did their Best to accommodate the other battles you requested..I wouldn't call it getting caught with my knickers down...

I'd call it a rip-roaring success..:headbang:

We started 2017 with 1 vendor of the year grow battle that we didn't know if anyone would join was an Experiment..
I had to put an [HASHTAG]#autowarriors[/HASHTAG] team in to make sure we had 1 comp..1 staff team..and 5 member/gladiators..:shrug:

We end the year with 7 main vendor battles going..some with 40 plus member Gladiators competing..I only see win-win.

What specific rules are you talking about..that might need amended ?....let me know and I'll check them out for you...:headbang:
Day 16
Hey there @1939bear looking really nice. How about this girl?




And the whole crew as usual.


I guess I shouldn't be so nervous. The NFTG stuff is working well. I have been able to read the plants and adjust their feed fairly well; which is a major milestone for me as it is. These comps are really upping my game!
Welp, here is day 28:


422ppm,80°,6.0ph on 1st initial test..

water smelled a little funky so we pumped some out, and added fresh in while introducing calmag,and silica to the res with an npk of 2-2-1.

Let it stir up and now get a 450ppm,77° reading, and lowered ph to around 5.5.. admittedly i got lazy about checking daily for a couple days, but it didnt harm anything and shes ok..

Have a great day everyone
Welp, here is day 28:


422ppm,80°,6.0ph on 1st initial test..

water smelled a little funky so we pumped some out, and added fresh in while introducing calmag,and silica to the res with an npk of 2-2-1.

Let it stir up and now get a 450ppm,77° reading, and lowered ph to around 5.5.. admittedly i got lazy about checking daily for a couple days, but it didnt harm anything and shes ok..

Have a great day everyone
I am drilling holes in my lids too! That would make watering way easier. You are a genius! :slap: