Indoor Mephisto grow ...

Harvest time is approaching ... Both Walter Whites will be coming down soon ... gave both a refreshing flush of FloraKleen ... both have almost no white pistils showing ... SODK x Ripley and Fantasmo Express are showing their first brown pistils ... it won't be long now ...
Walter White ...

DoubleWalter ...

Double Walter from above ...

SODK x Ripley ...

Fantasmo Express ...

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Those girls look heavy with bud...I like you use of archery
Equipment in the off season...nice work, gonna be some killer
Week 10 - Walter White and SODK / Week 9 - Fantasmo Express ...
Closing in on harvest for the Walters and another 2-3 weeks for the SODK and Fantasmo ... Flushed Walters w/ RO water and fed SODK and Fantasmo ... may be their last meal ... Top buds on SODK and Fantasmo are 36" from floor ...
Walter White ...

SODK x Ripley ....


Fantasmo Express ...


One thing I've noticed about this grow that I find a little confusing is the weakness of the branches on all but the Fantasmo Express ... I've grown plants w/ bigger buds but I've never had so many branches that had trouble staying upright ... It could be that the buds are more dense than my usual so they are heavier but I doubt this is the case ... I think the problem came about due to over crowding ... most of the time the branches were pressed against a wall on at least 3 sides ... I think this weakened the outer branches so they have trouble staying up ... I've been feeding Silica Blast from the start of the grow ... most grows I'm impressed w/ the strength of my stems and give credit to my LEDs ... perhaps a particular wavelength is burning out ... The Fantasmo never outgrew her space which I think explains her excellent structure and based on my last visit I'd say her buds are starting to swell nicely ... I'm aiming at 1/31 for harvesting the SODK and Fantasmo ...

Anybody had weak branches and know what caused them ??
After I got done reading this, I kissed my two day old baby and told her one day you might look like a scrawny version of Chester's artwork.

Great thread and thanks again for helping me earlier, Chester!
Anybody had weak branches and know what caused them ??

Probably just part of the traits of the strain. Phosphorous may be the issue, but the way you pay attention to your girls that seems unlikely.
My Nirvana Swiss Cheese had weak stems. She was a monster of buds. Just couldn't hold them up by themselves.
Maybe your grows are so good that they go beyond the limits of your girls stem strength...
Your pics show some heavily laden buds on those stems. The SODKxRipley is just freaking heavy with buds
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Almost ready to harvest ... Fantasmo is just over 36" tall and starting to pack on the weight ... will probably get harvested before the SODK ... Walter Whites will come down in a couple days ...
Walter White ... 10.5 weeks ...

Double Walter ... aka ... 'The Kraken' ...

Fantasmo Express ... 9 weeks ...



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