Mephisto Genetics Mephisto Genetics Winter Release Big Grow Out!

Day 20 - just a couple of pics


Toof decay

I've been meaning to grab some shots of the reversing room too, So i'll try and do that tomorrow.
The reject plants with no feed, just water and minimal attention are looking pretty nice :)
Mitch, what do you expect for a release date on these new varieties? Are you running any LED lights?
Mitch, what do you expect for a release date on these new varieties? Are you running any LED lights?

Hi mate, I would think we will be looking at the end of the year/beginning of next.
No, we are only using hps here, I would maybe like to fill some gaps with supplementary led's but haven't thought about it in any details.

cheers mitch
I make it day 34 in the reversing room, here's some shots of some of the plants we didn't select to reverse, but thought we'd keep going as there was space for the time being.

Triangle - measures 85cm


Ghost - Pushing a meter tall, could still have some stretch left in her


And a little nug of SODK

Cheers, mitch!
So young, yet so frosty..... (nom, nom, nom...)
we didn't keep any alien or walter white unfortunately, but it's nice to get a preview of the strains we kept going.

SODK - seems like it could end up the biggest, at least tallest. It starts a little slowly, but I have high hopes for her.

Triangle - looking pretty uniform, and flowering away the fastest.

Ghost - Starts off looking very indica and OG like in the leaves, however the haze in her is emerging as time passes, and the structure and growth is really changing, a very interesting one to watch. A couple of shorter phenotypes, will have to see which turn out the nicest.. smoke test!

Toof decay - looks to be making nice squat but rounded bushes.

I've been impressed as really these rejects have had the most minimal care imaginable, still on plain water. Shifted about a lot then crammed under one light for periods of time. Watered what I would say is infrequently.

Cheers, mitch!
My brother's nickname when we were kids was Tooth Decay :D
Were the Alien OG and Walter White just not up to your standards? Any plans to work on them more down the road, or on to bigger and better things? Loving the way the Ghost Train is shaping up! It looks like little ghosts are climbing up the branches! Spooky!
No Alien stuff ... :( But description of the Ghost looks awesome ...just my type of Plants. Starting of like a Indi ad then swappin to the Sativa side are some of my Favs. Good Luck for the further process Team Mephisto.