Mephisto Genetics Mephisto Genetics Winter Release Big Grow Out!

That's a really, really difficult question!
I'm wracking my brain, but to think of one 'best' strain, and one that represents and encompases everything we've done.. really difficult.
Not that i'm at all an artist but I like to think of our strains as a body of work, and we wanted to create a well rounded family and collection over time.
Every strain also means something slightly different to me.

How about rewording the question, "What one strain do you think would have the best chance of winning an award at a competition?"
There you go thetreeman - that may be a better question. Maybe the same answer but who knows?
The only sativa dominant is the ghost, and I'm yet to sample her goodies from this f3 grow out.
then the f1's we've just started of northern cheese haze x ghost should be sativa dominant too.

Your first question may be easier to answer when all of this current run strains have been sampled.

But I think right now, chem city blues or auto Cush would fair best at a competition.
northern cheese haze from cutting?

The nch was a selection from f3 fem seeds we made, the f1's were made from the exodus cheese cut x northern lights 5/haze (not by me)

then the last time she was in the flower room, the phenotype we pollinated takes 11 weeks to flower but very very good yield of flavoursome strong herb.
Here's some photos from last night!

Both unpollinated, Ghost, and SODK. Fan leaves removed.

Ghost, all flowers really condense into the top half of the plant, a product of being grown in with lots of neighbouring plants.

A close up of one of the multiple secondary colas

Pretty much all branches or what would ordinarily be a small budsite, wants to become it's own cola and really stretches out and up.
When all the plant was very closely trimmed and stalks removed, the wet weight was 240g, considering it's was sharing a 600w with 11-15 other plants and it's first 14 days being in a 1.5 litre pot, that's pretty decent, I think given more space and light to itself there's potential for some big yielders with these.

This grew taller and faster than most, so I super cropped it's main stem to get it under the light. It was over 120cm

It, especially the top cola kept pumping out white pistils, I checked lower buds with scope and it was ripe :)

The trimmed wet weight on this girl was 232g

Cheers mitch!
Last update for a few days, Unpollinated reject walter white, spent the second part of it's life under 12/12.




