Mephisto Genetics Mephisto Genetics Winter Release Big Grow Out!

Hey Mitch. Good to see ya again man. I wanted to ask about the auto alien og, what kind of time frame are you looking at? Super excited about them
Hey Mitch. Good to see ya again man. I wanted to ask about the auto alien og, what kind of time frame are you looking at? Super excited about them

It will be early in the new year, can't be more specific just yet :)
Does the Mephisto crew have any stand out favorites from the upcoming releases? They all look absolutely tremendous so I'm sure it's no easy task to pick but I couldn't resist asking. As always, all the best to you and the boys down on the farm!
They're all kind of different and we love in different ways!

the toof decay, has the densest nugs of any Mephisto strain so far

triangle pretty fast for it's size, many were done at 65 days, and verrry white

walter white really nice buds to trim, nice all round plant

ghost, the most sativa, I loved that every bud site wants to shoot out to become it's own cola,

sodk, had the longest largest colas

alien, for me it was the smell, two dominant phenotypes one is a nasty stench but so moreish, the other phenotype was a deep berry like fruityness.

ive been holding off to smoke them, as I've been so busy and also I wanted to photograph and then do a thc test on the nicest buds from the rejects before busting them up to smoke.

not sure that helps :)
I'm like Pavlov's dog salivating over here! Thanks for the details!
I've missed you GBD!! Sounds absolutely fabulous Mephisto!!
Good to see you around again too, nben!
Hey guys, just to round up this thread,

Everything is done, seeds fine sorted, material processed for kief. etc

The total for all, under 10 lights.. 8 ish, as two were used for reversing plants.

1.5 kg of seeds

400g of kief - all from 00 box - 120 micron screen

Then reject plants and flowers below came to a bit over a kg

Toof decay


Walter white




Merry xmas and happy new years to all you guys :)