Mephisto Genetics Mephisto genetics customer service/feedback thread!

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Brad, I used to order from you via the UK store (I'm in Canada) - IMHO the Canadian's have played second fiddle since you opened a .ca website. Can I order from you again just like the old days! :cool:

The problem is getting items into Canada in the first place - it can take literally months for something to arrive, and you know that as soon as you resend it'll turn up and that's wasted stock and cost. When you scale that up to how many seeds you'd lose trying to restock the store it can become quite crippling. Royal Mail still has a section for Canada on the International Incidents page that's OVER TWO YEARS OLD for an ongoing issue for incoming mail. Until that's sorted out by the Canadian mail system, we're stuck waiting for things to arrive on restocks that can take months. There are other issues too which I won't go into here, but it does feel like the naughty child a lot of the time for us.
The problem is getting items into Canada in the first place - it can take literally months for something to arrive, and you know that as soon as you resend it'll turn up and that's wasted stock and cost. When you scale that up to how many seeds you'd lose trying to restock the store it can become quite crippling. Royal Mail still has a section for Canada on the International Incidents page that's OVER TWO YEARS OLD for an ongoing issue for incoming mail. Until that's sorted out by the Canadian mail system, we're stuck waiting for things to arrive on restocks that can take months. There are other issues too which I won't go into here, but it does feel like the naughty child a lot of the time for us.

Ahh Postal systems! They are a different lot. You had sent me one shipment, it went to my neighbors, they refused it, it was sent back across the pond to you, you let me know, so I ordered MORE (can't get enough ya know!) to go with the original order and it made it just fine. So those beans went across the pond three times! Well traveled beans rock!
The problem is getting items into Canada in the first place - it can take literally months for something to arrive, and you know that as soon as you resend it'll turn up and that's wasted stock and cost. When you scale that up to how many seeds you'd lose trying to restock the store it can become quite crippling. Royal Mail still has a section for Canada on the International Incidents page that's OVER TWO YEARS OLD for an ongoing issue for incoming mail. Until that's sorted out by the Canadian mail system, we're stuck waiting for things to arrive on restocks that can take months. There are other issues too which I won't go into here, but it does feel like the naughty child a lot of the time for us.
Curious: Has it gotten worst since legalization?
So then who do you ask 8f not stan?
The problem is getting items into Canada in the first place - it can take literally months for something to arrive, and you know that as soon as you resend it'll turn up and that's wasted stock and cost. When you scale that up to how many seeds you'd lose trying to restock the store it can become quite crippling. Royal Mail still has a section for Canada on the International Incidents page that's OVER TWO YEARS OLD for an ongoing issue for incoming mail. Until that's sorted out by the Canadian mail system, we're stuck waiting for things to arrive on restocks that can take months. There are other issues too which I won't go into here, but it does feel like the naughty child a lot of the time for us.
We’ll be waiting a long time for Canada Post to fix anything; they can’t organize their way out of a wet paper bag. I’m actually surprised that our crack squad of posties have managed to intercept so many seeds.
I forgot where I read it, maybe @hecno but ash is a bloom food to my understanding.
Dude I use to work with said ash was good for gardening. I have a bunch of pine needles he said burn them and put in garden. Never tried thought would be acidic still but wood ash bet would be good, would not surprise me at all.
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I don't think he meant it the way it you think. He's called us needy meph heads also. I'm sure he hasn't got a problem with sending stickers. If it's childish to like the stickers I'm a kid! Lol I got them everywhere! Hell even my dad who's in his mid 50s took some of my stickers.

I think us meph heads need to smoke relax and be cool about everything and not say stuff to upset our meph suppliers. Sorry for cutting in just my worthless 2¢

It's cool, you're right. I guess I took needy out of context and I apologize to @stan_mephisto for being confrontational. Ultimately the stickers are extra schwag on top of the already generous freebies and after all the seeds are the important part, cant get better than meph.

I'm looking forward to what's to come for sure! Regs, cbd, how those coming anyways?

The past year was pretty shitty on mephs end too so when their scrambling trying to get seeds around the world and some packages get customed, stickers definately arent a problem compared to that..
It's cool, you're right. I guess I took needy out of context and I apologize to @stan_mephisto for being confrontational. Ultimately the stickers are extra schwag on top of the already generous freebies and after all the seeds are the important part, cant get better than meph.

I'm looking forward to what's to come for sure! Regs, cbd, how those coming anyways?

The past year was pretty shitty on mephs end too so when their scrambling trying to get seeds around the world and some packages get customed, stickers definately arent a problem compared to that..
Yeah I was looking forward to the forgotten cookies and they got intercepted in the states!
I think there needs to be a step back and a breath taken. It seems you're doing the exact same thing over stickers. Doesn't look like you've "let it go" yet either.. Let's not point fingers and/or name call. Your issues are just as important as his.. We should all be adults by now.
Well I'm sorry but I havent done the exact same thing. I made 1 post as a reply and I vented a bit about something that has been overlooked and they've even admitted that. I didnt point any fingers at anyone either, that would imply i blamed someone specifically and all i did was talk about stickers and the canadian store. I havent even talked about stickers in months before that.

I didnt name call, he was stretching it out a bit after it was explained so it's safe to assume he might be having a little fun. The known term to me is troll. I'm sorry if that offended anyone!

I know calling someone that around here is serious because mods take it serious and I'll try not to use that word but I didnt do anything wrong or anything close to what the other guy was doing in the sticker situation and I apologized for my taking stans saying needy out of context before I saw your post also.

I'm sorry again if this is considered stretching it out because a mod told me to step back but I was told to step back under incorrect judgement.. maybe these types of posts from mods could be taken to personal messages incase of miscommunication?
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