Mephisto Genetics Mephisto genetics customer service/feedback thread!

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Is it just me, or is Mephisto gear some of the prettiest most uniform growing plants you’ve ever seen? I swear the shoots on my deez nugs are so perfect and symmetrical. Like you could cut the plant down the middle and each half would look identical.
9 finger leaves! I have about ten other autos in my tent, all different breeders.... not a single plant looks half as pretty or has the beautiful leaves that my Mephisto genes do. Crazy. Love it. And I’m not just blowing smoke. Why lie? To the other guys, you need an insider at Mephisto. They’re doing something the rest of you guys aren’t, I truly believe that.

Sideways pics... you guys are gonna have to fix this. iPhone direct to “upload a fil
e” and my pics are sideways every time. Aggravating.
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