I’m glad I annoyingly persisted. My wife says I come off as a know it all, oh well, can’t please em all... especially her! Should be able to do plain water the whole run. If you want to do more, pick up some recharge, mammoth p, and worm castings.
The recharge is a microbial inoculate. It will recolonize your media with tons of beneficials.
The mammoth p will make your phosphorus uptake increase significantly which is like adding a bloom booster, except it’s being done by 4 species of bacteria. Very cool shit but pricey.
The worm castings added to your base media at 15-25% will give your plants a nutrient rich amendment which will diversify your microbial population. Castings are a no brainer, IMO, and should be in every pot. Plus you can make a great tea with it for veg cycle.
Or, just stick to the roots organic with the soil mix and I’m sure you’ll do fine!
Nope. Ill be using all of the above haha, thanks.
I was actually thinking about using mammoth p and WCs with this run as well. But im still undecided on mixing the castings with the top layer or just the bottom. Ill probably end up using it with both. I know ATrain does something similar minus the mammoth
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