Here ye be!
Autoflower Super Soil MixTo use this, simply add One Scoop (Two Tablespoons) of mix per gallon of premium potting soil, preferably Roots Original. Blend the soil and mix until the ammendments are distributed throughout. This is now ready to use Autoflower Super Soil.Layer the bottom half of your pot with the Autoflower Super Soil and the top half with unammended soil.Plant, water, and enjoy the results!*Additional Notes*-Earthworm Castings are great! I use them at up to 30%, but usually around 20% (1 gallon of worm castings to one 1.5cu ft bag of soil)-This mix can be used with coco. Instead of having two layers, as described above, you should use three layers. Full strength Super Coco in the bottom 1/3rdof the pot (2 Tbs per gallon), 1/2 strength in the middle 1/3rd of the pot (1 Tbs per gallon), and straight coco in the top 1/3rd of the pot.
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