Hey guys, just posted this elsewhere but it seems relevant to share here too incase it gets missed.
For anyone who ordered but now has the tough job of waiting for their order to be dispatched..
'Hey guys! I know you all are super excited! And thanks so much as usual for the excellent support. You've no idea how much it really helps us to sustain everything we've got going and also reinvest to better the brand and slowly expand.
But just want to say quickly, please try not to get ants in your pants too much

you'll all be sorted as quickly as possible. 100%
This has been the busiest promo, by far, in Mephisto history! We're definitely getting more efficient with running promos but now is the hard part.
We've taken some 500+ orders so they'll take some time to work through.
Also the ratio of US to rest of world orders is 2:1, so for sure Europe and elsewhere will be sorted and dispatched in half the time.
I think the 10 working days leeway will be fine to get everyone covered.
Otherwise thanks again! And much love Mitch'