Mephisto Genetics Mephisto 2nd Leg Starts May 1st (Signup and Battle)

Nice job, what are you feeding and how often? Are you doing an Ebb and Flow, nice Roots. Good luck, peace slowandeasy
Thank you friend! They are getting MC at 50% and a slight supplement of Cal-MAg since I ran into issues towards the end of the last grow. Yes ebb and flow every 4 hours. about 8 mins to fill and 8 mins to drain. Same schedule all the way through last grow and never ran into under/over watering issues so Ill stick to it :) I think I have a really good formula of ease of grow vs yield and quality so far but Im forever learning. Happy growing mate!
Thank you friend! They are getting MC at 50% and a slight supplement of Cal-MAg since I ran into issues towards the end of the last grow. Yes ebb and flow every 4 hours. about 8 mins to fill and 8 mins to drain. Same schedule all the way through last grow and never ran into under/over watering issues so Ill stick to it :) I think I have a really good formula of ease of grow vs yield and quality so far but Im forever learning. Happy growing mate!
Is that version 1 or 2 of MC? Good work!
If it works for you that's cool, but would have to respectfully disagree with you. Especially in Coco, transplanting is far superior and not stressfull to transplant. Keeping in cups can reduce plant size, but if you are happy with the results, that is all that matters. Good luck, peace slow
I just got into an area that is not limited my flower space is only 40in wide and 22 deep x 6ft tall so I'm limited in plant size ect which maybe why I noticed not much of a difference. Just in the past week I've gained access to a 6x6 or larger and separate veg area haven't measured but should not have to bother with solo cups as I use 1gal pots so it's rare i dont plant direct as I much prefer as I'm lazy in that way that's one more step when like u said once I no how to water in a bigger pot no need to transplant which is wat I prefer but I do appreciate the advice don't think I don't I no I can do better which is one reason I'm hear so keep the input coming also how many ppl do u use in veg
I just got into an area that is not limited my flower space is only 40in wide and 22 deep x 6ft tall so I'm limited in plant size ect which maybe why I noticed not much of a difference. Just in the past week I've gained access to a 6x6 or larger and separate veg area haven't measured but should not have to bother with solo cups as I use 1gal pots so it's rare i dont plant direct as I much prefer as I'm lazy in that way that's one more step when like u said once I no how to water in a bigger pot no need to transplant which is wat I prefer but I do appreciate the advice don't think I don't I no I can do better which is one reason I'm hear so keep the input coming also how many ppl do u use in veg
How many ppm do u run in veg not people can phone

Week 2 Update - :weed::peace::weed:

Happy Mothers Day !

Double Grape # 1

Double Grape [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]

Sour Stomper
I just got into an area that is not limited my flower space is only 40in wide and 22 deep x 6ft tall so I'm limited in plant size ect which maybe why I noticed not much of a difference. Just in the past week I've gained access to a 6x6 or larger and separate veg area haven't measured but should not have to bother with solo cups as I use 1gal pots so it's rare i dont plant direct as I much prefer as I'm lazy in that way that's one more step when like u said once I no how to water in a bigger pot no need to transplant which is wat I prefer but I do appreciate the advice don't think I don't I no I can do better which is one reason I'm hear so keep the input coming also how many ppl do u use in veg
Hey if you want to use 1 gal pots of Coco,start to finish, just start the seeds directly. I will gladly help you out! If you are able to have your area be 80-85F for a week it will speed things up a lot IMO. So my first piece of advice is to get your temps to 80-85F. Now, water your pots of Coco to minor run off. I also put a little Mycos in the area I plant my seed before I water. Place your empty pot of Coco in your space that is now 80-85F for 12-24 hours to warm up. Covering the area of the future seedling. This will keep that area from drying out and will be your humidity dome for the seedling as it germs.

Ok, now take a cup of straight water and pit your seed in the water. This cup must be placed in a dark, but 80-85F area for 12-24 hours. Many fresh/viable seeds pop open in this time. Some won't, but that's ok. Plant the seed tail side down and lightly Cover with Coco. Now use the Clear Cover Cup as your dome. If your temps are 80-85 F you will have a seedling in 1-2 days from planting. This part is easy.

Now watering a directly planted seedling in Coco goes like this for optimal root growth. Keeping the Coco moist, but not wet is most important at this point. Use a Solo cups or smaller to water around the OUTSIDE of the pot. Coco is like a sponge. Roots seek moisture, so if you water the outside the roots will grow faster outward than watering near the stem. For optimal root growth, water Coco slowly around the outer rim. Try Aiming for little to no runoff until the plant is growing fast and the Coco needs to be watered more often. Good luck!
Hey if you want to use 1 gal pots of Coco,start to finish, just start the seeds directly. I will gladly help you out! If you are able to have your area be 80-85F for a week it will speed things up a lot IMO. So my first piece of advice is to get your temps to 80-85F. Now, water your pots of Coco to minor run off. I also put a little Mycos in the area I plant my seed before I water. Place your empty pot of Coco in your space that is now 80-85F for 12-24 hours to warm up. Covering the area of the future seedling. This will keep that area from drying out and will be your humidity dome for the seedling as it germs.

Ok, now take a cup of straight water and pit your seed in the water. This cup must be placed in a dark, but 80-85F area for 12-24 hours. Many fresh/viable seeds pop open in this time. Some won't, but that's ok. Plant the seed tail side down and lightly Cover with Coco. Now use the Clear Cover Cup as your dome. If your temps are 80-85 F you will have a seedling in 1-2 days from planting. This part is easy.

Now watering a directly planted seedling in Coco goes like this for optimal root growth. Keeping the Coco moist, but not wet is most important at this point. Use a Solo cups or smaller to water around the OUTSIDE of the pot. Coco is like a sponge. Roots seek moisture, so if you water the outside the roots will grow faster outward than watering near the stem. For optimal root growth, water Coco slowly around the outer rim. Try Aiming for little to no runoff until the plant is growing fast and the Coco needs to be watered more often. Good luck!
Thanks man I couldn't get my temps below that with lights on unless winter with window open again my grows are very limited wat ever the 2nd floor temps and humidity it's 10 degrees warmer and 10% less humidity min so like I was saying I'm very limited in wat I can do, but in this new spot it won't be like that I've always had something really limit my grows mostly space and environment but hopefully now that it won't be a problem I can real see wats up thank again