Hey if you want to use 1 gal pots of Coco,start to finish, just start the seeds directly. I will gladly help you out! If you are able to have your area be 80-85F for a week it will speed things up a lot IMO. So my first piece of advice is to get your temps to 80-85F. Now, water your pots of Coco to minor run off. I also put a little Mycos in the area I plant my seed before I water. Place your empty pot of Coco in your space that is now 80-85F for 12-24 hours to warm up. Covering the area of the future seedling. This will keep that area from drying out and will be your humidity dome for the seedling as it germs.
Ok, now take a cup of straight water and pit your seed in the water. This cup must be placed in a dark, but 80-85F area for 12-24 hours. Many fresh/viable seeds pop open in this time. Some won't, but that's ok. Plant the seed tail side down and lightly Cover with Coco. Now use the Clear Cover Cup as your dome. If your temps are 80-85 F you will have a seedling in 1-2 days from planting. This part is easy.
Now watering a directly planted seedling in Coco goes like this for optimal root growth. Keeping the Coco moist, but not wet is most important at this point. Use a Solo cups or smaller to water around the OUTSIDE of the pot. Coco is like a sponge. Roots seek moisture, so if you water the outside the roots will grow faster outward than watering near the stem. For optimal root growth, water Coco slowly around the outer rim. Try Aiming for little to no runoff until the plant is growing fast and the Coco needs to be watered more often. Good luck!