Indoor Meef's 2x AutoUltimate attempt

Seems counter productive for me if I have an exhaust fan 24/7
It was implied you wouldn't use the exhaust fan in conjuction with co2 bags. I'd stick with what you've got going on for a few more grows yet. I was doing a million things at once and it got confusing to determine what the small changes were effecting because there were changes all around. I go with the The slow and steady as often as possible. Get your 2nd grow out of the way before you start adding a piss ton of variables
Oh, you know.. Just being impatient, staring at my girls. Is it day 90 yet?

Tell me about it dude. This is day 69. I feel like they still could go a long while.
Which I am stoked and so thankful for. Everyone on this site has been so positive and extremely helpful.
For sure brother. Pretty much I learned by reading and observing and doing. I was fortunate enough to have a friend who grows incase something came along but for the most part ...trial and error. I didn't find AFN until recently when I started growing Auto's. So thankfully there's an abundance of people who have been growing autoflowers for a while that are available if you had a question and like you said. . People here are typically pretty helpful and positive and won't try to mislead you. It looks like you've researched Atleast in your lights and nutrients. Basic techniques. You just need the time now and a year or two of growing. You'll probably forever keep having those little "ahaaa" moments. From what I've seen you'd maybe want to have a larger volume tent at some point then you won't have such a small space your trying to optimize ambient conditions in. For instance if I had 1 grow room I could control my environment tightly as apposed to trying to balance out two 4x4 tents.