Nutrients MedGrower does Remo Nutrients (DWC/GN lights/DutchPassion AWW)


That hydrodude again
Mar 8, 2015
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Alright. After checking out some awesome growing with Remo Nutrients, I got my hands on them too. I desided to take some time to do my part in testing these and see how an fairly average grower will do with them in fairly average conditions with DWC. Previously I had good results with Advanced Nutrients and have gotten some 1.26 gpw grows with them, generally above 1 gpw, a performance what I would be expecting from these nutrients as well when under similar conditions.

My setup is as follows:

Grow space:
60cm x 120cm x 200cm (DxWxH) = 0,72 m2


Grow Northern MS006 for vegetative grow (old leds, no rebels)
Grow Northern MS006 & 1x HS1 for generative grow (will be added later on the generative cycle)
Lightcycle: 20 / 4

Old GHE aeroponic system tank modified to be just DWC tank. I use 2" trays and 9.6 lpm airpump with 4 airstones.

Nutrient line-up:
Remo Nutrients (Micro, Grow, Bloom, MagNifiCal, VeloKelp, AstroFlower & Nature's Candy
Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice (Beneficial bacteria product)
Advanced Nutrients Sensizyme (Enzymeproduct to help keep the roots clean)

Air movement:
Carbon filter and exaust fan (280m3/h)
Oscillating fan

I am growing 2x Dutch Passion's AutoWhiteWidow, they are at day 25 by now when I change to Remo Nutrients. I had gotten them started with AN Sensi Grow -nutrients with Voodoo Juice. So it is not a fresh start by any means but I still think that we can give a fair review at this stage of the growth cycle. Plants are young and doing well. It is partly genetics that keeps them short and partly because I have used little bit of LST on the bigger and stronger phenotype in order to control the developing canopy.

For now I am using only 4 of the 6 LED modules drawing total of 120w power. (180w is maximum this unit draws)

DAY 25

AWW D25 top01.JPG

AWW D25 top2.JPG

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AWW D25 left.JPG

Sideshot right
AWW D25 right.JPG

Remo Nutrients were applied today as follows: (for 21 litres of water)

Micro 30ml
Grow 30ml
MagNifiCal 15ml
VeloKelp 30ml
Nature's Candy 30ml

+AN Voodoo Juice 30ml

pH 6.0
EC 1.05

My initial impression on the nutrients as I first applied them:
+ I think these bottles are designed really good! They fit in hand nice, the opening is small and easy to pour (does not spill and make a mess!!! yeeeaaa!!!)

+ I also loved the smell of the nutrients, they smell good and pleasant and almost made me want to drink them. I don't know if would actually be a negative thing about nutrients since you absolutely should not do that. Sweet and tasty smell makes you think that is some real good stuff that you are putting out for your plants. I usually trust my nose. Velokelp smells almost like Canna Boost, by the way. I know it is a secret what goes into it but I suspect there is something very similar in that bottle right there.

+ Manufacturer advice on the dosage actually is pretty close on the EC/PPM that I would like to feed to my garden in DWC. I actually did separate tests on each bottle on how they do raise EC and calculated the wanted dosage based on that. I ended up reducing only about 33% of the total amount of nutrients from the recommended standard by manufacturer. That is huge difference to many other nutrient companies from what I have usually had to decrease them to about 50%. Therefore, I am sure the manufacturer's own recommedation actually works for some growers and mediums. I can appriciate that kind of honesty.

+ Right after applying all the nutrients, the pH settled at 6.0. I expect it is going to raise up by 0.2 after I pump air into it with airpump so initially the promises of stable pH holds true. I will monitor the situation each day and see how the pH will hold.
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Also I should share with you the results that I took from measuring how much each product will raise the EC value of the solution once added. I did this with plain water with EC of 0.11 (I have deducted the starting EC from the values below). Please note that these should be considered as inaccurate readings and taken as general guidelines on making estimates of nutrient strength. Measuring was done with Martini EC60 with measuring uncertainty of +/- 2%

EC raising factor per nutrient in one litre of solution per millilitre (1ml/1L)
MICRO: 0.19
GROW: 0.25
BLOOM: 0.25
VeloKelp: 0.07
MagNifiCal: 0.18
AstroFlower: 0.20
Nature's Candy: 0.08
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Also I should share with you the results that I took from measuring how much each product will raise the EC value of the solution once added. I did this with plain water with EC of 0.11 (I have deducted the starting EC from the values below). Please note that these should be considered as inaccurate readings and taken as general quidelines on making estimates of nutrient strength. Measuring was done with Martini EC60 with measuring uncertainty of +/- 2%

EC raising factor per nutrient in one litre of solution per millilitre (1ml/1L)
MICRO: 0.19
GROW: 0.25
BLOOM: 0.25
VeloKelp: 0.07
MagNifiCal: 0.18
AstroFlower: 0.20
Nature's Candy: 0.08
Thanks for sharing the info, MG :pass::bighug:

I would never have the time to get that data, so its much appreciated! :coffee:
You are welcome @Waximus ! I am happy that my work can benefit you guys. Actually I made a spreadsheet calculator for these nutrients too based on the values. I cannot share that file with you guys throught this forum but let me know if you want a copy of that file. I used Open Office spreadsheet format .ods

I know, I know. I can be pretty obsessive lab rat at times. :cooldance:

You are good @MedGrower that is in depth and very helpful you are so right on there calculator being close to realworld use for most mediums. . You covered it all.
12h has passed from the application of Remo -feed. I checked the pH and EC of the solution now and I found that the pH had fallen to 5.5. while EC had remained stable at 1.05. Always when the pH changes this much in such a little time, I do check the solution with another pH probe and combine that with a chemical pH test also to rule out any equipment malfunction. No. The pH really had fallen to 5.5 in no more than 12 hours.

I will not hold it against the nutrients though since it is now day 26 of my grow and I know this has happened to me every single time between days 20 - 35 so I know to watch out for it. This happened to me with Canna -nutrient line before and this happened to me with Advanced Nutrients -product line also even though the big promises of not having to worry about the pH. This just goes to show that despite every promise made about not having to worry about the pH, you better still monitor your pH, atleast in the early stages of your grow if you do hydroponics.

Do you guys happen to have any theory about why this would be happening in the reservoir around this stage of the plant growth? My thoughts are that since the plant is relatively young, this might be something to with developments in the rhizosphere, bacteria impacting the pH by some unknown mechanism. It its just a thought since all that stuff really goes above my head.

Anyway. I corrected pH to 6.2. by adding 35ml of liquid silicone (Potassium Silicate 1,25%) and some drops of Canna pH up. Hope the silicone would buffer the solution enough. I take another reading in 12 hours again.
Hi mate I was wondering if you could give me a bit of help being a Dwc man yourself. Im doing a dwc grow and it's at week five and it's supposed to be there 2nd Flores feed ( I use the canna Aqua range ) the strains are both from fast buds of kush auto and Girl Scout cookies auto and I think they have either locked out or have a magnesium defency but only 2 are showing signs so I've put them all on a flush ph 5.9 im just unsure of what to do next. Here's a couple of photos please tell me what you think. I leave my water to sit for 2-3 days until the ph settels and stays at what I set it on 5.9. Now all of them apart from 2 ph has stayed at the 5.9 I set it on last night. But those 2 ph has gone way down to 5.4. Please help mate I'm well stuck[emoji848][emoji848]

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Hi mate I was wondering if you could give me a bit of help being a Dwc man yourself. Im doing a dwc grow and it's at week five and it's supposed to be there 2nd Flores feed ( I use the canna Aqua range ) the strains are both from fast buds of kush auto and Girl Scout cookies auto and I think they have either locked out or have a magnesium defency but only 2 are showing signs so I've put them all on a flush ph 5.9 im just unsure of what to do next. Here's a couple of photos please tell me what you think. I leave my water to sit for 2-3 days until the ph settels and stays at what I set it on 5.9. Now all of them apart from 2 ph has stayed at the 5.9 I set it on last night. But those 2 ph has gone way down to 5.4. Please help mate I'm well stuck[emoji848][emoji848]

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Alright bro. My advice would be to up the pH to 6.2 since this looks like magnesium defiency to me. (I cannot be 100% because the photos of the problem areas are taken with LED lights on, but Mg is the usual culprit here) Or if you rather want to keep the pH at 5.9 then you should include additional CalMag product to raise the Mg, Ca and Iron in a good balance. Not just Mg because it runs a risk on getting out of balance with other elements.

What is the lightsource and how close is it to the plants? Sometimes very intense LED light can make the plant require more Mg and it will lead to these kind of problems. Also if the feed is in heavier side it makes the absorption of Mg and Ca a bit more challenging to the plant, specially when under pH 6.0 where the absorption of those elements gets lower anyway.

They look nice though! So no alarm or anything. I'd just nudge the pH to 6.2 and keep it around there. Maybe in couple weeks you could start gently swinging it between say 6.0 and 6.2 and it will just fine. Good luck!
Also one of the ones who's ph keeps dropping to 5.4 has some twisted growth

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