Dutch Passion MedGrower does (finally!) AutoColorado Cookies! (DWC -grow with GN lights)


That hydrodude again
Mar 8, 2015
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Hello and welcome to my AutoColorado Cookies -adventure! I have been anxiously waiting to try some of these babies out ever since I got them (Thanks @DutchPassionTony). Now that my wifes medical setup is secured for many months ahead, I got a green light to go ahead with these! I put two seeds in cubes and in just three days they had popped up and to my amazement, both have root already coming out from the cube. One of the fastest germinations I have seen so far.

I soaked the rockwools in pH 5.5 water for half an hour, changed the waters for another soak. After that I did give them half an hour soak in pH 6.2 water with Voodoo Juice added 1ml per litre for two soaks before adding the seeds. Seemed to work really well! Do not ever squeeze the rockwools as you soak them as they will then lose their ability to hold air in them.

Grow space:
60cm x 120cm x 200cm (DxWxH) = 0,72 m2


ms006 for vegetative grow (old leds, no rebels)
ms006 & 1x HS1 for generative grow

Lightcycle: 20 / 4

Old GHE aeroponic system tank modified to be just DWC tank. I use 2" trays and 10 lpm airpump with 4 airstones for beginning. As the roots get little stronger I will switch to 48 lpm air compressor.

Nutrient line-up:
Sensi Grow and Bloom
Voodoo Juice
Bud Ignitor
Big Bud
Bud Factor X
Sensi CalMag Xtra

Air movement:
Carbon filter and exaust fan
Oscillating fan

Starting feed:
Sensi Grow 0,25ml per litre
Voodoo Juice 1ml per litre
Rhinoskin 0,5 per litre

EC 0.3 (150 ppm -hanna)
pH 6.2
RH 50 - 60

ACC D1 left.JPG

ACC D1 right.JPG

ACC D1 root.JPG

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Hey med, good luck with your new grow, I'm subbed for the ride. Is that the Sensi calmag xtra or is there another "standard" Sensi Cmg? I bought the Sensi Calmag Xtra recently to replace my vitalink calmag, but then someone said I shouldn't use it during flower due to the N ratio, so I put it in the cupboard for my next veg
Hey med, good luck with your new grow, I'm subbed for the ride. Is that the Sensi calmag xtra or is there another "standard" Sensi Cmg? I bought the Sensi Calmag Xtra recently to replace my vitalink calmag, but then someone said I shouldn't use it during flower due to the N ratio, so I put it in the cupboard for my next veg

Thanks for pointing that out! I corrected it now, and yeah that is Sensi Calmag Xtra. I used it with my ABBK grow in bloom with no problems. NPK ratio stated there says 4 - 0 - 0 so yeah you're right it has some N in it. Maybe I try to give a little less Sensi Bloom part A to compensate? Anyway, adding 1ml per litre does not raise the EC of the water too much so I am not so sure how much it will impact the actual nute balance.

One nice thing in that product is that it contains amino acids and kelp along with the calmag.

pH 6.2
EC 0.3 (150 ppm)
RH 50 - 60

Quick update with pics. Both are doing good and pushing their roots now. Other one is a mutant as she is having 3 initial leafs and not a pair like all the normal girls do. It will be interesting to see if this leads to anything special.

Mutant Cookie
ACC D4 mutant.JPG

Normal Cookie
ACC D4 rightie.JPG

Roots are coming along alright for day 4
ACC D4 rootzone.JPG

pH 6.2
EC 0.3 (150 ppm)
RH 50 - 60 (low 50's mostly)

They are starting to rise up from now on and later today I will give them a stronger feed, bumb the EC around 0.6 (300 ppm). The mutant pheno is forming 3 first leaves so it truly is forming a triangular shape. That is so interesting mutation to observe. I think I will allow the rootzone to mature still for a week before switching to the larger airpump.

Sensi Grow 0,75ml per litre
Voodoo Juice 1ml per litre
Carboload 1ml per litre
B52 1ml per litre
Rhinoskin 1ml per litre

Mutant ACC
ACC D7 mutant.JPG

Normal ACC
ACC D7 normal.JPG

Rootzone (mutant on the left, normal on the right). Seems they have differing strategies on forming roots too. I hope the mutant there will form stronger roots.
ACC D7 rootzone.JPG
