Check this out folks…

Crazy little leaf growing out of the end of a sun leaf on Iris…:haha:


Anyone seen anything like that?! :shrug::holymoly:
Day 34 “What a difference a day makes!”

The lights being dialed in, but also the fact that my tea has finally started percolating properly, the girls are responding very nicely.
Even with all the issues, the room has finally started to fill out, and all the girls look very healthy, even Iris, maybe, especially Iris.
Wow, she has come a long ways and us now the biggest plant in the bunch!

I had to adjust all the plants again due to the staggered grow and the teenagers going into flower early. The canopy is set again. Lights adjusted properly.
They are getting some solid light now. The XS2000 is at 62%, around 150w and the TS1000 is at 100% or at 150w, that’s where we stay until otherwise advised I believe…
The big girls are seeing from 56-65 DLI and look happy there, the teenagers are getting around 45DLI and also happy, the little ones are getting around 16DLI tucked on the side and their overhead lights isn’t turned on yet.
Sorry for all the info, but for future reference or anyone struggling, these detailed notes can give insight.

Here is a shot of the younger side of the room


Created a platform to get them closer. Didn’t want to drop lights for the little ones.

Sometimes, grows aren’t always perfectly symmetrical and you improvise.
Here are the big sisters.


Boom !!! :woohoo1:Lovin’ what I see here!

Some other shots in the room from today.
Iris is a beast here…


She came from dust to glory man. Looking good. I am very happy. Grand Daddy Purple x Gumberry:smokeit: ManCave

Sugar, got her last trim and is ready for the push in her perch into full on flower mode.


Small still, but will be a nice little plant.
Next up is of course, Aurora. Just hit pre-flower and ready for more light. Also lifted up for more light. Didn’t want to burn Iris and Charlotte.


Lots of training, but she will come out nice with that wide structure. Lots of secondary sites opened up! More bud!

Charlotte also hit pre-flower and is loving the light from both sides right now!


She should put out some health colas. Love her color too. A different color green that reminds me of a really nice purple plant, the Auto Blueberry, many years back.


Just another angle from the side.

Now the little ladies with some of their first shots…


The Gumberry, looking all innocent here. We shall see…


I do like my Double Grape:baked:

Well, lots happened and lots to come. Thanks again for stopping in. I hope you are entertained at some level and learn from all you see.

Take care folks:thanks:
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Day 35 “Making the cut…”

Well, now that things are back on track, it’s was time for the big defoliation of Aurora, Charlotte, and Iris. Aurora needed the most work.

All good now and ready to move on to the stacking phase.

Here’s the room this morning.


All looking pretty happy, all things considered!


They will serve me well in the end, they always do. It’s so much more than just the harvest. It’s the journey and all I learn about myself.

Here is Aurora now. Clipped and with her training clips off now.

Bare cupboards will soon be full again. The first time I did this is freaked me out, but then seeing how well they recover, I never hesitated again. Yield always improves! Open up those sites folks. We ain’t growing leaves, we aregrowing buds!!!
Charlotte got her trim too. Solid plant with no training at all other than a top at node 5.

Those lower branches will need yo-yos for sure to support buds.
The perfect candelabra all in her own.
Won’t be a huge harvest, but I wouldn’t be surprised by 75 grams or so.
Day 35 Cont’d

Moving on in the room…

Iris is becoming the star in the room and definitely the comeback plant of the grow so far. There always is one, right, I mean…every grow, no matter how dialed in you are, there is at least one plant that struggles and nearly every time it makes some type of comeback if you stay patient with her.

Here she is after her trim. Sitting in the back of the room to minimize light at tops.

Sugar in the picture, front left. Happy there at around 70 DLI on main. I will monitor her and see how she does there.
Lights are up to 60%.
All girls got a compost tea yesterday and look very happy and nice colors of green throughout the room too!

Some more shots…


They all have their new trays as well. So when they are larger, I can legit feed them properly without worrying about runoff messing up the grow space. I like to keep it clean and organized if possible.


A nice closeup of Iris. Those leaves were very small just five or six days ago…how small you ask?

Take a look…


Those little yellow leaves you see up top are the big leaves now and those big sun leaves have been removed! Crazy comeback in short time.

Brûlée has some of the cutest little secondary growth. Too bad these girls will all be small stunted plants. I will squeeze some good herb out of them. I have enough of them to give me a sea of green effect of sorts.

So much fun ahead. See you around folks.

Thanks for stopping in…:thanks:


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I can’t stop tinkering on my day off. Just getting the canopy more stable and reading the plants.

Love doing this… :woohoo1:

I actually did a defoliation again on Iris in back corner after this. Saving photos for tomorrow.

Thanks for stopping by:thanks:
Lovely space, progress is looking nice!
Thanks, finally getting it dialed in now and light and water issues squared away without irreparable damage done.
Harvest will suffer in weight, but not quality, and that’s important to me.
I really missed doing this after being away for over three years.

:pass: Passing one to ya…
Day 36 “Yep…”. :welcome:

Looking like the room has found it’s stride. Lights set, all the girls happy.

The Autoflower soil mix from Nature’s Living Soil with a mix of Mychorrizea, and the Girl Flower Power Compost tea seems to be creating a very healthy environment for the roots. Plants all look very nice with zero deficiency issues or lockout issues right now. Iris and Fuchsia were the only two that had issues early, and that’s all me with the water and lights. Fuchsia is still struggling to find her legs like her sisters, but I am still hopeful she will do something.

The room looking good this morning. Canopy for teens set around 47-50 DLI, the big girls are getting like 55-62, and the little ones are up to around 22-24 now. All like those settings!

The younger side…

They will still stretch a bit more. Feeling more optimistic each day with these girls.

The older girls————— :kiss: :haha:


They look very spry. Each has made gains in the last 24 hours!

A better look at the tied down branch of Aurora. She will be a nice little plant when she’s done. Very happy with how she turned out so far.

Sugar getting a move on now…

Leaving her for now. She needs low stress. Very sensitive plant.

Nice little healthy bud site for her main.


Next up,…Iris! Wow. The comeback girl.


Look at where I topped her and how much she stretched after that. Crazy good. That growth looked white coming out.


It ain’t white anymore. She looks very nice. Funny serrated leaves on some of them, but very healthy looking growth.

Charlotte, the early show stopper, is a little smaller, but still very nice. Great structure with her. Open and wide. Lots of room for buds to grow!!!:stir::muahaha:


Slightly different color green from most of the plants. I like it…

Her mains look good.

Happy lady right there. :dancer:

The youngsters looking like they are making nice comebacks too.
Here is Brûlée. The CDLC from Mephisto.


We shall see what they can do since they already hit pre flower.

Goldie, the 3BOG x Mango Smile looking pretty sweet.

Next up, Liv. Livers Bx1…


Nice little plant here. Hope she stretches.


Lila very happy pushing up. She’s a Gumberry x GDP.

Fuchsia looks much better despite all her issues. Even her tattered leaves look shiny and a nice color green.

Optimistic more and more now each day. Thanks so much for stopping in. I hope you are being entertained at some level.

Take care y’all:thanks:
Already made another small adjustment this morning and opened up the teens.

Here they are. Brûlée looking better like this for sure.





And then Goldie


Ok, that will be all. Should leave them for a couple days now without many adjustments needed I would hope.
Well folks…I’m back in the forum and ready for a new grow. Haven’t grown anything since 2019
Really can’t wait to connect to so many of you on here.

Getting the new room set now…
View attachment 1497603
its a start …
Lots to do ‼
Who framed those joists? Lmao just gonna watch your progress