Indoor Mdanzig's Sour60

Northern Grower

Jan 2, 2011
Reaction score
Since i've had these sitting around far too long. I thought it might be a good time to see what these are all about. :thumbs:


Nothing to look at so far, i am more marking to first day they poped soil. I got 100% germ rate, they all poped about the same time. Not many were slow goers. I am also starting them in FD's double cupped method.

I will get some baby pics up when there is some thing to look at.

Grow stats.
600watt hps
Alaskan fish fertilizer grow/bloom
FD amended water.
Composted Promix soil, no amendments.
Cool bro ill be checking in, mine will only be acple weeks ahead of yours. Cheers.
dude........ that's great i also have a pack of those sitting & waiting for others to finish...
subscribed ...

BTW: how much time the seeds could be stored without compromising the germ rates???
Looking forward to seeing your grow :D

pizppizp you can store them for years in a freezer
Well a friend of mine just germed some 25 year old seeds that have been dry at room temp for the whole time... so that might give you an idea... theyve germed cannabis seeds from ancient tombs too... over 1000 years old.... just keep em dry n cool... should be good!

Bailer... cant wait to see what you do with those too bro! :)
JM I read about the seed find in a old tomb but never seen anything about them germinating them. where can i read up on this? id love to get my hand on some 1000 year old landrace!!! :D
dude........ that's great i also have a pack of those sitting & waiting for others to finish...
subscribed ...

BTW: how much time the seeds could be stored without compromising the germ rates???

Those seeds have been in the freezer well over a year now. And i got 100% germ rate. One of my own sucsessful long storage germs was my LOC x G13hp, i had them in the freezer for a good 7 years. I got 100% germ rate.
The key is to let the seeds get back to room temp before you plant them or soak them. When i've put seeds straight from the freezer into dirt. I get poor rates no matter what strain it is.

Cheers guys, i've had this grow on the back of my mind for a good while now. I hope i can do the genes some justice, that and i hope they don't overgrow my space.. lol :D

If i can get this run done in time, i might use some of the seeds from this run on my later season hail marry outdoor plots.

No pics yet, but all of them have poped earth and are growing away. You can tell there is going to be variation, even at this stage. Not such a bad thing for me, i don't mind a pheno hunt.
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My next grow is going to be Sour60, which should arrive in a few days. I'm very excited haha. Good luck :D
yep pullin a chair up to this one man. Ive read tons about them and have seen them used in several crosses.

I cant wait to see your hand at them should be interesting, i hope you over grow the room man. :twist: