@Z_Bop ---
dude, I'm going to caution you about any conclusions you make about this pH experiment,.. At 5.8, I assume this is RO water that's been left out a while? Firstly, odd as it sounds, and without going into a chemistry lecture, taking the pH of
pure water is of no help or enlightenment,..partly relating to how these meter's work, and in part because RO/Di water has no pH buffering minerals (CaCO3 mainly) in it,.. even CO2 dissolving into that type water will react, forming weak aqueous carbonic acid, and lowering the pH below 7.0 true,... this is because with zero buffering, even tiny inputs from a pH influencing source will cause significant to huge changes in pH,... consider, just how little CO2 there is in the air (0.04%), even less dissloved into water, and you still get this strong of an affect!
.. that Ca-Mg, is it all carbonate derived? If not, that's likely why it brought the pH down, not up (carbonates/bicarbonates are what buffer pH in water, Ca is not directly involved)... the "apparent availability" in this case here is a false equivalency, even for hydro, and absolutely not applicable for soil/soilless media,... there's way way more involved with pH in this scenario,...
MPCD-- AN nutes can self buffer in low ppm/EC water OK, but that's it,.. once in the pot, all bets are off; it simply doesn't have the chops to buffer pH in there, too many other things affecting/contributing to pH
especially in true soil,... Speaking of which,
soils are not to be trusted,.. we have seen, literally for 2+ years now, case after case of their soils testing in the low 5's pH, in-bag!
fuck that!... the Infirmary is filled with folks with problems tracing back to this,... some get OK bags, likely having to do with the sourcing of local materials where they make it, but in general, their quality control is a sick joke,... I've taken an Accurate 8 soil pH probe to shops and tested several bags, all were shit,...
... Roots is OK, many folks add a little more lime into it for better pH control down the road,...
....the pale plant looks like S defc. to me, with that overall color loss,.. N defc. always hits lowers first and worst, since it's a mobile nutrient within the plant; S is not... BUT if the soil is off pH, likely it's more than one thing behind this, which is what I'm guessing is the case here,... likely, P is locking out too in part... I see some lowers with N defc., normal to a point during early bloom,.... Problem is, getting an accurate in-pot pH reading,.. that A8 probe mentioned above is the ticket for this, otherwise, it's the sucky run-off test method, dubious at best,.. here's the catch: without knowing the in-pot pH, it's a dicey call as to what to do here; adding more nutes to off-pH soil with make matters worse,.. if it's a simple lack-of type defc. that's easy to fix,...
We have an "improved" run-off pH testing method and calculation here in the Infirmary, but it's a pain in the balls to do,.. Flushing isn't something I ever recommend unless things are really f'ed up, as it's a stress causer itself,... flush soil that's OK pH, with a underfed plant, and you'll make things worse again,.. usually, depending on your nutes, 1/4 strength is added to the last pour through when doing it,.. You're in a jam here because you don't the A8 unit to find this key info out! So, as a last resort, you can test some run-off from water only input collected in a clean saucer or something... it'll give a crude idea about what the pH is in there, then you can make a call about waht to do,...