New Grower MCPD_Refugee loses his virginity to White Widow and Blueberry

Thanks for the suggestions @Frankthetank, I'll look into another container or system of containers after this grow. As for patience - I'm working on it. I really am.

@CTb1, I'm stocking up on bottled water. I just buy a little extra every time I go to the store. That way, I have 5.8 Ph without trying to add any other ingredients to the mix. All of the home brewers and bread bakers around here complain all the time. I guess it's what happens when you have 150 year old plumbing all over the city. Also...thanks for the info on topping. I really do appreciate it. @autobeast has a couple of threads and @budelee does too about topping and LST that I've been reading and re-reading for tips and tricks. I'm also picking up good information from @Mr. Sparkle, @Smorf, @Slater and @archie gemmill. This place is really full of great information. I'm still afraid to make that first cut, though. Let's just say that I don't have the best luck with indoor plants.

Thank you to everyone.

Thanks for the suggestions @Frankthetank, I'll look into another container or system of containers after this grow. As for patience - I'm working on it. I really am.

@CTb1, I'm stocking up on bottled water. I just buy a little extra every time I go to the store. That way, I have 5.8 Ph without trying to add any other ingredients to the mix. All of the home brewers and bread bakers around here complain all the time. I guess it's what happens when you have 150 year old plumbing all over the city. Also...thanks for the info on topping. I really do appreciate it. @autobeast has a couple of threads and @budelee does too about topping and LST that I've been reading and re-reading for tips and tricks. I'm also picking up good information from @Mr. Sparkle, @Smorf, @Slater and @archie gemmill. This place is really full of great information. I'm still afraid to make that first cut, though. Let's just say that I don't have the best luck with indoor plants.

Thank you to everyone.

If I had water like that I'd be all like
that's some harsh tap water mine runs at 7 pH and 120 ppm

The best time to top is when the third set of leaves develop I just did it with a photoperiod chocolate mint og then I do it again after the third get again and one more time I end up with 32-40 huge tops
I think you can get away with topping more than once with photos because it's up to the grower when to trigger flowering. With autos it's on its (her) own countdown timetable. So I personally wouldn't top more than once.
Elle and iWumbo...welcome.

I probably wouldn't top an auto either but for my size restrictions. I have to make sure that they stay small. I know I could use LST, but, to be honest, I don't trust myself with it. One of the reasons I'm here to begin with is @TaNg and some of the monster autos he grows on a very simple watering and feeding schedule. But let's not even try to compare me to the master. To be honest, I'll be lucky to get 30 grams out of this. TaNg grows naturally and I really dig that. If I were in my own house or if I didn't have an semi-absentee corporate landlord, I'd probably have a tent with a lot more room. Until then, I must torture my plants. :naughtystep:
Read Ed Rosenthals marijuana growers handbook it literally has all the info to grow like a pro like Tang. I've been studying and researching since I was 16 and I have my first real grow almost complete and I think it's pretty damned good. You can find it in the new growers thread...

Dutch Passion Colorado cookies automatic on day 58
@CTb1 I've already read through your grow journal a couple of times and it's impressive to say the least. You've got some awesome plants on your hands there. I'll go read through it again because I like to be inspired. Thanks for the heads up on the Rosenthal book. I'll look into it.
One thing I forgot to mention...the water here is absolutely trash. There's an ongoing concern about lead and copper leaching into the drinking water, so the local water authority keeps the pH at 9.1 to prevent it. They also treat the water with chlorine and chloramine to decontaminate it. Well...I can't put an RO system into my apartment, so I've decided to go with bottled water that 5.8 pH. If I've calculated correctly, I'll use less than 24 gallons over the course of these two plants lives and I'm only paying $0.88 per gallon, so my costs won't be too high. Would've been cheaper with straight tap water, but I think bottled water will be cheaper than trying to adjust and filter what comes out of my tap.
Just had to test for that here, talk about the cruelty of waiting for results. Dare I find I'm being poisoned, what am I to do? This is actually a question every single state and city needs to address, but will they?