I was going to ask about light height. Depending on where it is now, you may want to lower the light, or raise the plants closer to it. That's the only other thing that came to mind..
I mentioned this yesterday on another post, but I'm starting to see it more and more.. Soo, if you're on your first few grows, try to use a soil that is at your level of growing. Beginer grower? Try a beginner soil. That kind of thing. What's happening is new growers are getting bags of platinum/ pro/organic mixes and don't quite understand them yet.
That soil has everything you need from seed to harvest. It actually says in there website that if you are using 15gal pots or smaller, then there is no need to add anything else, at any point. That would be my recommendation, lol. Dont add ANYTHING, lol.
Compaction is bad. You don't want the soil to get hard or compacted. Oxygen needs space to flow, and roots need to move freely. Compaction is usually the result of overwatering or bad drainage. You can shake the pot to loosen up the soil as well. Just do it lightly.
As for run off.. I don't use that method. It's waayyy to unreliable. Waayyy too many factors and variables involved for it to be acurate in any way. At 2-3 weeks old, in that brand of soil you have, I can safely say that the ph of the soil isn't an issue. At least not yet.. It hasnt really even had time to become and issue if that makes sense, lol. If you ever question the ph of a soil and want to check it, I suggest getting a soil ph probe. I'd trust a $15 soil probe before I trusted the ph of the run off. I use the accurate 8 soil probe. It's a little costly but it's accurate and will last a lifetime.