Maybe overwatering??or not.

Using fabric pots..and have air blowing on them...whats the purpose for the holes in the medium..thanks
Holes in the medium will get more air down in the more saturated areas and help dry out the pot faster. Lots of confusion with information all over the place saying water to run off every time the first 20 days or so try to only water in small amounts and slowly increase as it drys out and your seeing growth. Lift the pot when it’s dry it will be light then lift it after you water to feel the difference.
I was going to ask about light height. Depending on where it is now, you may want to lower the light, or raise the plants closer to it. That's the only other thing that came to mind..

I mentioned this yesterday on another post, but I'm starting to see it more and more.. Soo, if you're on your first few grows, try to use a soil that is at your level of growing. Beginer grower? Try a beginner soil. That kind of thing. What's happening is new growers are getting bags of platinum/ pro/organic mixes and don't quite understand them yet.

That soil has everything you need from seed to harvest. It actually says in there website that if you are using 15gal pots or smaller, then there is no need to add anything else, at any point. That would be my recommendation, lol. Dont add ANYTHING, lol.

Compaction is bad. You don't want the soil to get hard or compacted. Oxygen needs space to flow, and roots need to move freely. Compaction is usually the result of overwatering or bad drainage. You can shake the pot to loosen up the soil as well. Just do it lightly.

As for run off.. I don't use that method. It's waayyy to unreliable. Waayyy too many factors and variables involved for it to be acurate in any way. At 2-3 weeks old, in that brand of soil you have, I can safely say that the ph of the soil isn't an issue. At least not yet.. It hasnt really even had time to become and issue if that makes sense, lol. If you ever question the ph of a soil and want to check it, I suggest getting a soil ph probe. I'd trust a $15 soil probe before I trusted the ph of the run off. I use the accurate 8 soil probe. It's a little costly but it's accurate and will last a lifetime.
Thanks bro..thats some info i can sink my teeth lights are at 24 inches using growstar 1200 watt that has 4 cree cobs..everything you said makes since,and i will take your advice..soil is tight and compacted..gonna try shaking but can i also poke some holes in the top of the soil??to let some air in?? Strange thing is plant that kat nipped is not droopjng at all.
Any who ill get it worked out..or ill just puck your brain what would you reccomed lights be at..i thought 18 to 24 inches for veg was ok?
Holes in the medium will get more air down in the more saturated areas and help dry out the pot faster. Lots of confusion with information all over the place saying water to run off every time the first 20 days or so try to only water in small amounts and slowly increase as it drys out and your seeing growth. Lift the pot when it’s dry it will be light then lift it after you water to feel the difference.
Thanks for the reply..yes i know about the watering..done a few grows..seemed dry..soil seperating from pot edges..dry about a knuckle down so watered i think combo of me fucking with it to much,and over and under
Holes in the medium will get more air down in the more saturated areas and help dry out the pot faster. Lots of confusion with information all over the place saying water to run off every time the first 20 days or so try to only water in small amounts and slowly increase as it drys out and your seeing growth. Lift the pot when it’s dry it will be light then lift it after you water to feel the difference.
Will poking holes..not disturb or hurt the roots.
Just be gentle and keep them on the outside edges if you do it.
Plant or pot outside edges.
24 inches is a good height. I was just curious because over watering and lack of light both have leaf drooping as a symptom. And poke all the holes you want.. You won't bother the roots growth. I shove 3ft bamboo support stakes all the way into the soil allll ttheeee time! If you hit a few roots and break them, guess what? You just "pruned" the roots and encouraged even more rapid growth!
I often poke holes in my pots (using a moisture meter) even though I use a soil that drains very well.
I aerate pretty much during the entire grow ...
The advantages out weigh the, you're not gonna hurt the roots as much as doing them a favor.
Growing in small pots (I use 2-3 ltr) makes it easy to determine needs by getting used to the weight....even so, I typically use a moisture meter to double check.
24 inches is a good height. I was just curious because over watering and lack of light both have leaf drooping as a symptom. And poke all the holes you want.. You won't bother the roots growth. I shove 3ft bamboo support stakes all the way into the soil allll ttheeee time! If you hit a few roots and break them, guess what? You just "pruned" the roots and encouraged even more rapid growth!
Ok here she us again..watered on weds about a gallon..was looking good yesterday, but drooping this morning,should i water again,soil doesnt feel terribly dry about inch down but is a little


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