@Marshydro : A few questions about your new humidifier

If it is connected to a timer will it auto start on being repowered?

Will it retain the humidity settings it had before?
If it will not, the AC Infinity will do all of the above.
Exactly; I'm looking at their 15L, and wanted to give an on site vendor a chance to compare their product before I made a choice.
That's the unit that I have and I really love it!
It's only downside is that in order for you to control it with your phone, and the app, it needs to be hooked up to a smart controller and use the smart controllers sensor to control the humidity. That's no big deal for my setup. I use mine to condition the lung rooms air and not just one Tent . I will use the controller to also run the smart plug for the under canopy lights in my 4x4 tent.
@Marshydro : A few questions about your new humidifier

If it is connected to a timer will it auto start on being repowered?

Will it retain the humidity settings it had before?

Our humidifier itself has a 12-hour timer function, but it cannot turn on automatically.

In addition, the humidifier has a memory function, and the previous settings will be retained after power failure and restart.

If you want to connect an external controller, you need to buy a separate timer. It can be started after the timer is connected and powered on, but first all humidifiers themselves must be turned on.

Let us know if you have any questions, thanks!

Mars Hydro
This perfect grow setup has every detail dialed in all just right!🌱

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What is your idea of the perfect setup?

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Had a no name light fail.

Ordered a SP3000 this morning.
Which one did you get? The greenhouse or red version?
It's been a great light at a little over 4 1/2 years now. Hopefully they've improved the dimmer switch.

Perfect little light for a 2 by 4 tent
Which one did you get? The greenhouse or red version?
It's been a great light at a little over 4 1/2 years now. Hopefully they've improved the dimmer switch.

Perfect little light for a 2 by 4 tent
Greenhouse version. Yeah, I had the dimmer go bad on an early TS3000(warranty replaced). This looks like a new dimmer box, but the same potentiometer in it. The new dimmer box has a connection for a wifi dongle which is included. The whole thing ran under $200 out the door, not bad for 300w of name brand light.

I had looked at the FC4000, but the watts/$ ratio is better here, and I like the form factor.
Greenhouse version. Yeah, I had the dimmer go bad on an early TS3000(warranty replaced). This looks like a new dimmer box, but the same potentiometer in it. The new dimmer box has a connection for a wifi dongle which is included. The whole thing ran under $200 out the door, not bad for 300w of name brand light.

I had looked at the FC4000, but the watts/$ ratio is better here, and I like the form factor.
I think you will be quite pleased with the light! It does cover the 2 by 4 space really well with a very even pattern.