Here's my new TS 1000, I've had it in my wee tent for 6 days and it's doing a proper job in there - my Short Seeds Purple Amnesia is bulking up and my Greenbuds lemon Pie is putting on an inch a day. I'm gonna get another TS and move into a metre square tent - good job Marshydro!
Hi @Marshydro I've purchased from uk about a week ago the ts1000 but 2 of the red lights are not illuminating like the other red ones should I send it back to uk
Hi @Marshydro I've purchased from uk about a week ago the ts1000 but 2 of the red lights are not illuminating like the other red ones should I send it back to uk
Well I'm running 80x80x170cm at the moment but will upgrade to 1m tent running inline fan and extractor have to get speed controller for them aswell will buy another ts1000 in January.
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