Mars TSW 2000 Grow by The Mugwamp (25oz)

Week 15
4 Down, 1 to go.
Dry weight for the Blue Amnesia and Blackberry.
I am happy to announce the Blue Amnesia xxl auto is the biggest plant I've grown, so far :woohoo: I was totally amazed when I weighed it all up; 174g so a little over 6oz :woohoo1: it's all buds too, no sticks :thumbsup: so that shows the TSW 2000 is one kick arse light, I love it :headbang:
As for the BlackBerry, I wasn't expecting to much from her, she started flowering at around day 18 :yoinks: so I didn't get to top her in time, plus she was in a 3.8ltr pot, but I was pleasantly surprised when she weighed in at a healthy 52g :yay:
I have now taken down the UK Cheese and the problem child, Remo Chemo.
UK Cheese

Remo Chemo has been nothing but a pain in the arse since the beginning and just to really put the boot in, she decided to really piss me off and developed bud rot :cuss:

Luckily it was only the top two buds, so I still managed to get a small box of buds, so not all bad :cuss:
I'll get a dry weight in the next few days.

One more to go, the Auto Creeper, she is at day 96 and just about ready, I've started the flush and she should be down in the next 5-7 days :cooldance: she is absolutely huge now, as the weight of the colas an buds are making her flop a little wider every day :rofl: I am really not looking forward to chopping day :crying:
Auto Creeper

That's about it for now, so till the next time, have Fun, Stay Safe and Grow Big ttfn :hookah:
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One more to go, the Auto Creeper, she is at day 96 and just about ready, I've started the flush and she should be down in the next 5-7 days :cooldance: she is absolutely huge now, as the weight of the colas an buds are making her flop a little wider every day :rofl: I am really not looking forward to chopping day :crying:
Auto Creeper
Hannah, let her go, absolutely stunners, looking forward to the chopping day! :smoking:
Hannah, let her go, absolutely stunners, looking forward to the chopping day! :smoking:
Thanks Tina :pighug: One thing I wanted to ask, is the dimmer box that comes with most of your new lights now compatible with my TSW 2000 and if so where could I get one? :pass:
Thanks Tina :pighug: One thing I wanted to ask, is the dimmer box that comes with most of your new lights now compatible with my TSW 2000 and if so where could I get one? :pass:
Hi, Mugwamp, sorry that the new dimmer knob design can't match previous TS lights:worship: Thanks for you guys comments, we upgrade the dimmer design, more convenient for growers
Wow, that Auto Creeper looks just spectacular! I have a question: how much does this light heat up the tent? I do most of my grows in the winter in a basement, so a little heat would be a good thing for me...
Wow, that Auto Creeper looks just spectacular! I have a question: how much does this light heat up the tent? I do most of my grows in the winter in a basement, so a little heat would be a good thing for me...
Thanks mate, I can't give an accurate account of how much the tent heats up as I have the drivers placed outside the tent, they do get hot and the actual light is quite hot to touch, so u may be ok if u left the drivers on :thumbsup: maybe @MarshydroTina would be able to give you a more accurate answer :pass:
my buddy the mugwamp smashing it and great result on your big harvest i think the creeper may topple that for you
Wow, that Auto Creeper looks just spectacular! I have a question: how much does this light heat up the tent? I do most of my grows in the winter in a basement, so a little heat would be a good thing for me...
Hi Mitra, the TSW2000 is 300w, which can produce the 1020btu heat, the tent temp will be around 23-30 degrees when you keep the ventilation. If no fans, the temp is 30-35 degree
@The Mugwamp hey I looked through this thread but I missed the tent upgrade. What size did you end up going with? I was thinking about getting 2 of these for my 4'X8' area. I loved and still use my mars hydro reflector series light!! Thanks!!