Indoor Mars Hydro grow journal TSW2000, Mephisto-Jammy Dodgers & Orange-utan in 8x4

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Oh and 1 more thing. I'll be breeding with Pinky Tuscerado just because I was falsely accused of cheating. That's my way of getting back at ppl for the false accusations
Oh and 1 more thing. I'll be breeding with Pinky Tuscerado just because I was falsely accused of cheating. That's my way of getting back at ppl for the false accusations
Sorry but that is so childish... Don't let the door slam you in the neck on the way out...
Well AFN. Here is my final farewell to this site. I will no longer be using AFN no more. Because I was accused of cheating in the mars hydro contest and I was disqualified for checking my views with a different account (even tho I only checked my views on my laptops 1 to 5 times a day only they're saying I some how cheated... How can I get 1000 view a day off of 5 clicks? But whatever, it is what it is) I'm not a cheater! My wife and God knows this. I'm not going to be falsely accused of cheating and have ppl look down on me on this site when I was sharing my link on twitter and facebook AFN pages to get my views. If it's wrong of me to share my link on AFN twitter and Facebook then screw me. Cuz that's how I got my views. I didnt do it cheating! So the hell with AFN and anyone who thinks that of me. Thanks for all the free seeds but I won't be growing them here no more!!! Sorry to all the breeders who helped me. But I will continue to log them. Just not on this site. I'm not a cheater!!! Grow Diaries here I come.
this was looked into as we have software that logs every view to the site and your only allowed 1 profile on here and as far as i was led to believe you had a few more than 2 and why would you make another profile to view your thread also if you want more proof to be posted ask @Son of Hobbes I'm sure he will post it and if you leave that's up to you
Oh and 1 more thing. I'll be breeding with Pinky Tuscerado just because I was falsely accused of cheating. That's my way of getting back at ppl for the false accusations
This is just plain wrong. How is stealing @prop hard work even remotely related? After this threat I no longer believe you

You admit that you logged on from a separate account. What you did was wrong - even one logon from a separate account is a disqualification event even if by accident.

AFN is built on trust and fair play for all.
Oh and 1 more thing. I'll be breeding with Pinky Tuscerado just because I was falsely accused of cheating. That's my way of getting back at ppl for the false accusations
Lmao. Breeding with Pinky? Lmao. A few months ago you didn't know what a male plant was! The last thing Im worried about is you "breeding" ANYTHING. Not even sure how my name got involved because this has to do with me or my projects.. What it does do though is show your maturity level.

Most people who get accused of doing something they didn't do can explain what happen, or fight like hell to clear thier name.. Not take revenge on innocent people.
I don't get what Proph has to do with anything, Unless he's got access to the server that shows the mac addresses your stuff was viewed from.
Even then, I'd just chalk it up and move on.
Blah sorry everyone, owner of the commercial grow came down and it's been a scrambled week.

NorthernLights_420 was officially banned for cheating, 100% verified and proven.

For starters, this matter was brought up to us by another member on the forum (not a staff member,) that was participating in the contest and said they love a good competition as much as the next, but suspected NorthernLight_420 was secretly cheating. We simply said we would look into the matter, we didn't just take sides or start heating the oil for the tar & feather.

The forum software we use allows us to check user accounts to see if there are multiple logins from the same IP. Upon checking NorthernLights_420's account, he had TWO other accounts that he was logging into. Now, sometimes the software gives false positives on this (not often, rare, but I have seen it.) So upon checking the two other accounts, both were created recently, and BOTH had very, very minor alterations to the registered e-mail address, which was for intents and purposes, the SAME E-MAIL that NortherLights_420 used to sign up his original account.

So that is no longer coincidence or "maybe the forum software is wrong," instead that's blatant multiple accounts. With both those new accounts showing up in NorthernLights_420's main thread, liking a bunch of the posts, -and- showing up as users that have viewed the thread.

Multiple users accounts are against the AFN forum policy/rules.
And creating multiple user accounts to stat point your thread views to win a contest? That's just flat out cheating.

You were busted buddy. Like pants down, hands in the cookie jar, weiner waving in the wind. You also admitted to having the other accounts, so....

Anyway, I do apologize to everyone that took part in this and had to play next to a blatant cheater. But he's been banned, made an example of, and we'll continue to work hard to make sure things are as even and fair as we can, even if they are not our own sponsored contests or events.

Thanks everyone, again my apologies that it took us a bit to catch the culprit, but he's gone like the wind.
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