Photoperiod Mark’s MedicGrow LED + KNF grow

Well I went ahead and chopped everything on Sunday night! They were all as ready as they were gonna get and I needed the pots so I could treat my soil for whatever stupid bugs are lingering or just replace my soil if it comes to it! Wasn’t trying to get another 5 gallons of soil since can’t get the cheapo promix anywhere nearby and shipping is nuts so would leave me buying soil from local organic shop for $28 a bag but whatever I do it’ll be soon cuz already time to transplant next round! :shrug::cooldance:

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I didn’t realize I didn’t get pics of the dragon seeds wedding drake but she got the brunt of what I’d assume may be bug related deficiencies but I guess could also be from me actually keeping a constant 1.5vpd which would make em eat more and maybe I shoulda got braver with the amounts I was feeding each amendment!
Hey @WildBill i know Van grows them outdoors so how closely do u follow his feed recommendations? Wondering if I got vpd up where plants naturally eat more should I start adding more u think? Gonna also order me a blumat moisture meter so I can make sure it’s not issues related to watering these living soil pots possibly a tad too much! May make my life easy and just get some damn blumats to do the hard part for me! Damn earthbox lifestyle threw my hand watering game off big time! :doh::crying:
Other then it running hotter then I’d like in my bedroom the @Medic Grow LED Fold 8 light def did the job well! Prob woulda been even better had I checked ppfd for the height I had light! Wasn’t til like last 2 weeks realized I had it hanging too high so lowered it and got it up to almost 900ppfd on only 80% power! Would def run cooler without driver attached but not sure it’s removable without hacking and chopping the light up!

No, I really don't follow his rates. He uses non-amended media. Mine is fully amended and I use the program as just another method of feeding. It's a good method of adding different micro nutes and readily available nutes. It's also really good for the microbes.
Yeah, EarthBoxes have spoiled me on watering. I still don't have a firm handle on watering with Rain Science Grow Bags. Gotta learn them though. Spent too much on them to not.
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