Extraction Marijuana Cooking with oil/Butter.

Magical Magic Cookie Bars

Hi guys,I gonna make some regular ole canna butter and make some recipes.I thought this one sounded ok.small potent doses.lol.so sometime late tonight or in the AM. ill lettcha know how it goes if I aint in a self induced sleep coma..lol


Thinking about some cookies,and Blueberry muffin squares too.Be good everyone.

Im using a little under 2.5 ounces in 2.5 pounds of butter.so I should get an easy 2 pounds of butter or more.Fresh flowers for more than half and very very good ambered trimming for the rest.I made a ball of hash from the inside of the blender after I graded everything.I put most of it in the butter,but I did treat myself to a nice ball of Hash though..lol


Its very good too.being organic and having smoked quite a bit of it Im thinking it should have a very smooth n mellow taste of cannabis.I dont mind too much if its got some taste.I just wanna grab a small bite er two n burn all day..lol"Stirring" :smoke: using some moonstone and some Tangelo for my oil.hash is great.a really nice treat when using a grinder for yer weed n trics are rampant.LOL!


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well needless to say this recipe works really well.I didnt even do the clarifying part either and it turned out so frigin good.and the only reason to clarify it cuz of actually cooking with it,not baking.higher temps n all that jazz.just like Olive oil verses Grape Seed oil and it curdle effect cuz of the higher temps baking.lol.and cooking in general too.but I used 2.5 pounds of butter and 67 grams of quality trim n flowers.the dose would be any recipe calling for 1/2 cup of butter of there abouts,bout 4-6 cookies n yer goood n slammed...trust me..lol"AFN smoke out":Medibles: Ive made raspberry squares,chocolate chip cookies,chocolate chip n oatmeal cookies,chia bread,and the magic squares too.butter is less versitile to some degree but really reallly makes for some quality baked goods.imo,totally worth making butter.and its quicker than oil too.suprised me alittle..be good everyone."AFN smoke out":Medibles::Medibles:

I used this method ,just didnt clarify is all.

Double batch O Oil

Using roughly 2.5 Oscars to 3 and a 1/4 Cups of oil.Mostly Dutch Auto,heavily Ambered Stone Dragon and I threw a lil P3,Moonstone in there too, for good measure "Stirring" :smoke:


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Chocolate Zucchini Cake

This Chocolate Zucchini Cake looked awesome because it uses Oil AND butter too..LOL! Plus Im gonna slide a little qwiso I have and blend it with the oil tomm. sooo,should make for some pretty nasty cake styled meds.:Medibles:

Chocolate Zucchini Cake:

1/2 cup margarine or butter(1 stick) room temp.

1 3/4 cups sugar

1/2 cup oil

2 eggs

1 tsp pure vanilla extract

1/2 cup buttermilk or sour milk(1/2 cup milk + 1 teaspoon white vinegar=sour milk)

2 1/2 cups flour--Shake flour would lend really well here.Smack em high type strong man!! LOL:smoke:

4 TBspn Cocoa Powder

1 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp penzey's cinnamon

1/2 tsp salt

2 cups graded zucchini ,peeled if desired,drained( about 2 medium)

12 oz. semi sweet chocolate chips

1/2 cup chopped pecans or walnuts

Pre heat oven to 325 for a glass pan or 350 for a metal pan.

in a mixing bowl cream together the room temp butter and sugar. add the oil then the eggs,vanilla, and buttermilk and mix well. in a small bowl combine the flour ,cocoa, baking soda,cinnamon, and salt.gradually add to the wet ingredients and mix well.

Fold in the Zucchini and pour into a greased 9X13' pan.sprinkle the chocolate chip and nuts over the top of the cake. bake at 325F for 45-50 minutes or at 350F for 35-40 minutes.let cool before cutting.

Prep time 20 mins.
bake time 35-50 minutes
serves 12-15 FAT doses..LOL! "Stirring" ill lettcha know how I like it..if I ever come down that is..lol
Chocolate Zucchini Cake

This is that Chocolate Zucchini cake I made with some other small bite sized potent peanut butter cookies..And the Cake is excellent too.a three way mix for meds.oil,Butter and Shake flower if your so inclined..WOW!!its really potent with oil and butter already..


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YEP!! Its confirmed,this is a killer recipe.if yer looking for a three way tie for meds to be fused with yer food.oil,butter And flour..yeah I did oil and butter and it's sooo good its crazy lol.dont tatse a thing n I dont really prep my stuff for too much taste issues,so its pretty well a full on tastey cake man..lol.
Next Batch

I thought I'd share a nice write up on water curing..since I plant to make a strawberry homemade type bread with water cured stuffs...might even go full tilt and decarb too..unsure,but thinking..

Water Curing

When you harvest your weed, the buds still have all sorts of nastiness in them. Stuff like nutrients and sugars. If you grow organic, in theory, none of this should actually be bad for you, as far as I know. But, it tastes nasty. You definitely want to get rid of this stuff.
The “classic” way of curing is dry your bud very slowly. If you keep it in a cool, dark, humid place, the plant will continue to digest the sugars and nutrients. As well, some sugars with break down over time. Give it a week or two and it’ll gobble up most of what’s left, leaving you with good tasting weed. The classic curing method has a number of downsides, including a propensity towards mold. Methods like jar curing and bag curing are tweaks on classic curing, aiming to reduce the risk of mold and increase the amount of nutrients and sugars digested.
Water curing is a totally different method. Instead of relying on the plant to digest the remaining nutes, you use water to dissolve them. If take some weed and soak it in a bunch of water. Nutrients are basically salts, and sugars are sugar. Sugar and salt dissolve well in water. THC and the resin glands don’t dissolve in water. Water works faster than digestion, so water curing is a great way to cure in a rush.
Normally, you water cure in sealed jars. Take a glass jar, like the kind you use for jar curing. Fill it with water and bud then close it tight. Change the water once a day for 3-5 days then strain out the water. Dry in a typical fashion (being extra careful about mold, since any lingering water droplets can increase the chance of contamination). That’s it! It takes 5 to 8 days, which is a lot better than the 10 to 18 days normal curing takes.
This method leaves your bud with very little taste or smell. It tastes flat, not even grassy. The smoke has very little smell and is not discernibly marijuana. And, it’s smoootthhhh. Like Belvedere vodka…little flavor so you can have some at lunch and no one will notice.

I always wanted to try this method. I never had clean enough water to do so though. Thankfully, I just purchased a RO system and am going to give this a try. Thanks
Dbl Chocolate Chunk

Just a couple pcis of some really quick cookies I made cuz I wanted something for the weekend.LOL!I spiced em up with twice the amount of oil...but..LMFAO needless to say day works purty goods too.:smoke:


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