Outdoor Maria's Spring Madness: SS Jack 47, Mandarin XL, Dark Devil, FB Green Crack, G14, C-4, DP AutoMazar

You got a nice little outdoor party going on, and I can't resist a good time
Stay high, n be eazy:cools:

Party on the misty mountainside, amigo!

It's an oldie but a goodie.
Though, this last year seems more and real...

Party at ground zero

A "B" movie starring you
And the world will turn to flowing
Pink vapor stew

Please do not fear 'cause Fishbone is here to say (say what?)
Just have a good time, the stop sign is far away
The toilet has flushed and green lights are a ghost
And drop drills will be extinct
Speed Racer cloud has come
They know not what they've done
Sin has just won
And the Earth is a crumb

Johnny, go get your gun, for the commies are in our hemisphere today
Ivan, go fly your MiG, for the Yankee imperialists have come to play
Johnny goes to Sally's house to kiss her goodbye
But Daddy says to spend the night
They make love 'till the early morning light
For tomorrow Johnny goes to fight
Johnny, Ivan, Ian, everybody come along for our nations need new heroes
Time to sing a new war song

Party at ground zero
A "B" movie starring you
And the world will turn to flowing
Pink vapor stew

Please do not fear 'cause Fishbone is here to say (say what?)
Just have a good time, the stop sign is far away
The toilet has flushed and green lights are a ghost
And drop drills will be extinct
Speed Racer cloud has come
They know not what they've done
Sin has just won
And the Earth is a crumb

Party at ground zero
A "B" movie starring you
And the world will turn to flowing
Pink vapor stew

Party at ground zero
A "B" movie starring you
And the world will turn to flowing
Pink vapor stew

"This is not a chawade!"

Party at ground zero
A "B" movie starring you
And the world will turn to flowing
Pink vapor stew

"This is not a chawade!"

Party at ground zero
A "B" movie starring you
And the world will turn to flowing
Pink vapor stew

"This is not a chawade!"
"This is not a chawade!"
Day 49 - Sweet Seeds + DP

Finally have a working camera again. Did the check and photo thing.
Only have shots of my "upper level" on the west, not the more open "lower level" on the east.
So, just the Sweet Seeds Dark Devil, Cream Mandarine XL and Jack 47, plus DP AutoMazar. (They're all autos....)
Just one shot each. Hope you like.

Sweet Seeds - Dark Devil
20170522 Auto DD, CM, J47, Mz (1).jpg

Her calyxes are just starting to turn a pretty pink!!!

Sweet Seeds - Cream Mandarine XL
20170522 Auto DD, CM, J47, Mz (2).jpg

Sweet Seeds - Jack 47
20170522 Auto DD, CM, J47, Mz (3).jpg

Dutch Passion - AutoMazar
20170522 Auto DD, CM, J47, Mz (4).jpg

And a second shot of the Mazar, to show you her head cola, hope the photo came out okay.....
20170522 Auto DD, CM, J47, Mz (5).jpg

The weather has just been raining, lightly or heavily, foggy / cloudy, for over a week.
Super high humidity. But, with not much sun, they're doing okay.
Sunlight now is just maybe 13/11, but very, very cloudy most of the day, and partly cloudy the rest.
Day 49 - Fast Buds + Ministry of Cannabis

Can't leave out the FastBuds and Ministry ladies, now can we?

FastBuds - C4-Matic
20170522 Autos FB C4, G14, GC + MoC BA (1).jpg
20170522 Autos FB C4, G14, GC + MoC BA (2).jpg

Single main bud, lots of calyxes, not many leaves, calyxes all turning nice purple red.

FastBuds - G14
20170522 Autos FB C4, G14, GC + MoC BA (3).jpg
20170522 Autos FB C4, G14, GC + MoC BA (4).jpg

Ripening fast in this kind of weather.

FastBuds - Green Crack
20170522 Autos FB C4, G14, GC + MoC BA (5).jpg
20170522 Autos FB C4, G14, GC + MoC BA (6).jpg

Fairly loose buds, but that's fine.
I think that the plant makes them looser when it's very humid, to prevent mold and rot.

Ministry of Cannabis - Blue Amnesia
20170522 Autos FB C4, G14, GC + MoC BA (7).jpg
20170522 Autos FB C4, G14, GC + MoC BA (8).jpg

She's a good 20cm = 8" taller than all the FastBuds, and look at that top cola bulking up!

It's really hard to feed them. Have been doing full strength CaliMagic and full strength Sensi Bloom Coco AB,
plus have sprinkled down organic fert, and then a potash + lime mix for the pH.
But... you can see how much rain water they get, it just leaches it all through.
This kind of heavy rain environment, would best have slow acting type fert, mixed in the soil right from the start.

Still, they had enough to get this far. May do one last feed.
But then leave them for the last week or so.
With this kid of weather, mother nature will look after any "flush".

Love and hugs,
Some bud shots. Mostly with flash, one without. At dusk.

Dark Devil
20170523 All Autos, Day 50 (1).jpg

20170523 All Autos, Day 50 (2).jpg

Can just see the pink starting....

Cream Mandarine XL
20170523 All Autos, Day 50 (3).jpg
20170523 All Autos, Day 50 (4).jpg

Jack 47
20170523 All Autos, Day 50 (5).jpg

She's probably the greenest of all eight plants, good sign.

20170523 All Autos, Day 50 (6).jpg
20170523 All Autos, Day 50 (7).jpg

I must say she has very narrow leaves for a heavy Indica.
Not just this one. Other pics I've seen are similar.
Interesting. I like to challenge the "indica have wide leaves sativa have narrow leaves" stereotype....

20170523 All Autos, Day 50 (8).jpg

Crap photo. Was very dark.
But.... you can def see that color coming on, huh? <3
So far much more red than the Dark Devil....

Think I forgot a photo of this lady.
She looks quite similar to the Green Crack, so...

Green Crack
20170523 All Autos, Day 50 (9).jpg

Still quite green up top, even if lower down the leaves are yellow and dropping.

Blue Amnesia
20170523 All Autos, Day 50 (10).jpg

Fat. Ass. Wild. Bush. Bud.

Now, an observation: It's just the start of week 8, really 7 weeks plus a day or two.
But, most of these ladies are not putting out too many more white pistils.
Perhaps just the Jack 47, Mazar and Blue Amnesia, two of which are more sativa.
The others are mostly brown pistils, with a couple of white pistils on top.

IIRC, the Dark Devil and the three FastBuds strains are supposedly ready after 8 weeks.
The Cream Mandarine and Jack 47, after 9 weeks. The Mazar at 10. Blue Amnesia... also 10, I think.

Now, very often growers find that their plants finish quite a bit later than advertised.
But here, light cycle is only 13/11, and recent weather not good.
I think that they are just very quickly finishing up.

Also, they are all bud rot free at the moment, as far as I can see! Yah!!!
I want to keep it that way. The buds are NOT super tight or dense.
But I think that helps keep the rot down.
My afghanica / indica pheno Mandala Safari was tight -- and she got the rot.

So, may start pulling these ladies down at the end of week 8.
And leave the Jack 47, Blue Amnesia and Mazar for perhaps another week, just see what happens.

That's an earlier harvest than expected, but they are really finishing off.
Many of the fan leaves are dropping, some leaves on the laterals, too.

Love and hugs,
Hey Maria! Have you tried planting any in the ground? I know you said it's rocky and stuff but look how well all the wild plants are growing!

Hey there @Vlad The Inhaler !

At first, that's what I thought I'd do. The soil in this general area is not bad. Not great, but usable.
However, this particular location is partly constructed. It's like a reinforced banking on the mountainside.
Some of the photos you may be able to see concrete drainage channels in place.
And thus the earth is this hard pack fragmented rock. Tried to dig it once. Never again....

However, in my Mandala Safari grow, that's a different site. About 100m away.
That area is straight out in the forest, where local workers have cleared the trees and made rough raised beds.
They made a whole large area of them, about 50m x 50m or so. Most are not in use, very overgrown.
I split the Mandalas into two places here. But the workers then re-cleared one site, and my plants were mowed down...
But the other place is still just a crazy overgrown jumble of weeds and stuff.
And I brought one male and two females to maturity here.
Just harvested the earlier female (an indica / afghanica type pheno) a few days ago,
and the later female (a hybrid type pheno) prob in the next week. Both were fertilized by the male.
Back to the point: the Mandala Safaris were started in 1L pots for 21 days, then into the ground.
I dug out about 8L holes (2 gal), and filled with some crappy second hand amended soil.
Worked okay. Would work better if I used better soil and put in some nice slow release organic or chem fert.

I should really check the root system when I harvest the last female.
See whether or not her roots have grown beyond the dug hole into the natural local soil.

Thanks for stopping by!