Mañ'O'Green and GreenLeaf 2 part for Autos

npk products?
:yeahthat: I've been using RAW K+ I need to get RAW P+
Yes P = Phosphorous and K = Potassium


The names of the relevant elements.


The notation (in the brackets) is from the periodic table in chemistry. Who would have ever thought that I would be using Sister Lavinia's chemistry class to grow weed :crying:.

I'm using Epsom salt for vit b is that fine?
Yes, I use Epsom for about 75% of it then the B-Vitamin makes up the other 25%. The B-vitamin is good insurance against stress.
Ok so I received the potassium and vit b still waiting on phosphorus.... Will this be an issue? Also do I keep those the same on the schedule for my 5 gal bucket? Like they call for 1 g or do I cut that down too? Divide that too?
Ok so I received the potassium and vit b still waiting on phosphorus.... Will this be an issue? Also do I keep those the same on the schedule for my 5 gal bucket? Like they call for 1 g or do I cut that down too? Divide that too?
Everything must remain in balance to the original formula - so yes. Have you read this?

This is what I came up with for my 5gal bucket .which I'll do 4.5 g..... I told you I'm not good with math.... MOG...
First 9 weeks... Same....
Week 3-5
PartA 6.25g
PartB 4.16g
Vit b 3.33g only 25% npk vit b 75%epsom salt..
Humic acid 2 3/4 tbspn seems like to much I'm using npk humic acid...
Kelp 1.25g
K 1g
P 1g
Gypsum is it 2g or 8g ?
Amino 1g
Ominia 1g
Silica 1g
Yucca 0.25g
Is this right? Or do I need to adjust some things? Need your help.... Thanks
Everything must remain in balance to the original formula - so yes. Have you read this?
