There's nothing wrong with being cautious captain

, I totally agree there I wud probably be a nervous wreck with a grow the size of urs, lol. Was going edit my last post but nelson had already commented so hey ill just add another. Just because I dnt want ppl thinkin I'm making up stories, 1 I wouldn't do that and 2 I couldn't I'm not that clever, ha ha so nyway here is a little clipping of one of the many things that appeared on google when I was checkin out the uk laws
[Why do you not allow orders from the US?
As far as we are aware it is illegal under Federal Law to order cannabis seeds in the USA, Australia and New Zealand despite certain states having passed their own Medical Marijuana laws. We hope this law will change, and we continue to watch American legal changes with interest. As soon as there are any positive changes we will change our shipping policy.
Are cannabis / marijuana seeds legal to grow? If not why do you sell them?
In the UK and Europe it is legal to own, buy and sell cannabis seeds but it is illegal to germinate and cultivate them under national drug laws. Each country has its own drug laws, which are constantly changing, so we suggest you research your own local laws.
Our seeds are sold as genetic preservation souvenirs to help protect the cannabis gene pool for future use and research. Where cannabis cultivation is illegal we suggest storage of seeds until changes to laws. The seeds we sell are only suggested for germination in countries where it is legal to do so.]
Wish I copied the one about bird food and fishing cuz that tickled my tummy....ha ha