Indoor Magic Prototypes

Just a quick overview of the strains being grown right now. :pass:

Opal: Cash Crop x Stone Dragon
(Northern Lights x Big Bud) x (Jack Herer x S.A.D) x Black Dragon

Stoneberry: DP AutoBlueberry x Stone Dragon

Black Diesel: HSO Sour Diesel x Black Dragon
So far we have 2/2 Opals female. 2/2 on the Stoneberry A's... 1/2 on the Stoneberry B's but the other one isn't old enough to show sex... Here's some pics for ya Brother!

Opal 1
OPAL 1_6-10-15.JPG

Opal 2
OPAL 2_6-10-15.JPG

Opal 1 on left Opal 2 on right for side by side comparison...
OPAL 1 & 2_6-10-15.JPG

Stoneberry A - 1

Stoneberry A - 2

Stoneberry A - 1 & 2 (comparison shot)
STONEBERRY A 1 & 2_6-10-15.JPG

Stoneberry B - 1

Stoneberry B - 2

:pass: :cheers: :d5: :smokeout:
Thank you rebel for your update, the plants look great bro. :pass:The goal with stoneberry is to get a blueberry Dom phono with stoneberry colors. Buds will be super frosty and dense! Theses opals looks really good also can't tell you how glad I am you got not only one female but two that's awesome.

Thank you a4 for stopping in buddy, I got my eye on your breeding thread also:thumbsup:
Happy Day in the tent. Today, we have 5 Birthday girls! 5 Stoneberry ladies above ground! Nothing really to show. Need to print my calendars and break out the Mills. Cuz Mills pays the Bills! I gave them a bit of Humboldt roots and a few drops(1 ml per gallon) of Grow More Jump Start and see if we cant get this grow to blast off!
Alright bruddas! Time for the picture show! Hope you see whatever you need to bro and I hope you like what you see! Also if there's something you need to see up close just let me know my brother and it's done.

Stoneberry A - 1 & 2
STONEBERRY A 1_6-17-15 1.JPG

STONEBERRY A 1_6-17-15 2.jpg

STONEBERRY A 2_6-17-15 1.JPG

STONEBERRY A 2_6-17-15 2.JPG

OPAL 1_6-17-15 1.JPG

OPAL 1_6-17-15 2.JPG

OPAL 2_6-17-15 1.JPG

OPAL 2_6-17-15 2.JPG

They look perfect bro. Stoneberry likes to stretch, and I can see the pistols from the far shots, she a girl proud to show it:dancer:
Your stoneberry b 1&2 still rockin right?

You did good bro I can see what I need for now. Top shot, far shot, and close up I'm good with those 3. They are exactly a month old today? Should be flowering full in the next 2 weeks:thumbsup:
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How did I forget to post the Bs... The wife was yackin in my ear the whole time lol and I spaced... Yes ill post them in just a few my bad bro!

Thanks! Yes all rocking. The Bs are bigger... Well the one is the other one is bout 10 days behind as it was the replacement... Sweet. I'll be back in a few with the Bs!