Indoor Magic Prototypes

Damn guys I'm not getting notifications from my watched thread.

@A4 looking great bro! Like the structure of the male should be a nice match:thumbsup: what type of smells are you getting are they sweet?

@Grey Bear talk about jungle status! Bet they smell good:jointman: can't wait to see who they flower.
Silverberry Day 14
SB "A" update day 52ish
SB A 1 43" tall, looks like upper growth has stopped
SB A 2 36" might get a little taller
SB A 3 26" look as if upper growth has stopped.
Nothing much to say other than these are easy plants to grow, very robust.




Alright Guys,

Next round of Magic is on :cheers:

Mixed up some:

Roots Organic Formula 707
Super Chunky Perlite
Espoma Garden Lime
Great White Mycos

Did up 6X 1 gal. equiv. airpots

paper towel germing:

5X Magic Strains Twisted Metal - (Dark Devil x Sweet Trainwreck x Black Dragon)
3X Hank FLO P1F3 #2 - (Jet47 x Amnesia) x (DJ Short Flo - Colorado Flodica pheno)
...or something thereabouts. ;)

Regs and the FLO isn't guaranteed auto at this phase so two pots is a long shot.

1 extra bean per strain in case of germ issues.
I'm going straight to soil with germed beans this time around
just because of how small the pots are and I'm doing 6 regs
so I'm being a little lazy...

KoM Round #2 underway! So pumped for this strain! These have serious potential.
Beans looked real nice BTW Magic...fat, dark, tiger, healthy.:bow:
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Best of luck with them Trapper!

Damn guys I'm not getting notifications from my watched thread.

@A4 looking great bro! Like the structure of the male should be a nice match:thumbsup: what type of smells are you getting are they sweet?

No sweetness that I can smell yet, just dank right now. My sense of smell isn't the greatest though so don't rely on that, lol. I smell reefer! As it starts getting further along I will be able to pick out the nuances but at the moment all I get is dank. Update tomorrow, by the way. Pollinated yesterday and again today just for safe measures. BTW, the male smells better than the female at the moment, he is stinky badinky. Still collecting from him.
@A4 @Trapper @Grey Bear :worship: thank you guys for the updates.

Grey B: im impressed every time I see the size of those plants, awesome man

A4: glad pollination is going good, surprise the male is smelling more but that could be agood sign:thumbsup:

Trap: im as excited as you brother! Im most interested in the smoke think it will be unique for sure! Ill be running twisted metal, steels, and Dragonfly next run!
Day 34

So I have this plant directly under my 1000W and about 20" away so I am beginning to see some mag deficiencies as is apparent in the pictures. Not a big deal, I will have to feed a little more often and will also do a foliar here in just a mintue. I didn't notice the fans until I came in a looked at the pictures, it isn't nowhere near as noticeable in real life.

She is growing exceptionally well though with great branching and a nice amount of bud sites. Excited to see how this one does.



@A4 Nice Structure, good amount of bud sites. Day 34 already man time is flying can't wait to see what she looks like the coming weeks!
How long do the Silverberry's usually go?
Nevermind found it back a few pages
75-80 days
I should be good, got a bunch of trim hash to make, so that should give me a good week of pleasure.
It could be down to the wire, but there was nothing to be done. can't predict sickness and craziness.
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