Indoor Magic Prototypes

Day 8

So, I really screwed this deal up. I had a ton of seedlings that had popped, as soon as they were top side I put them in my small veg tent to keep them from stretching. Unfortunately with the weather change here and a shit ton of rain the past few weeks I had some mice in my garage and they ate almost every damn plant. I sent Magic a PM apologizing but apologies don't really cut it. So, I have two ladies that survived the rabid mouse trounce of 2015 and I am asking for some karma for a male and female. I know AFN has the best karma around so send some my way please.

Here is week one update of the two.




Thanks a lot grey bear, it all helps! She's looking super healthy well done my friend :pass:
Thanks Magic,
I neglected to mention, she got switched to flower nutes yesterday as well.
I am going to give the "little sisters" (I think they are around 15" tall themselves) a bit longer in veg nutes.
If I had the luxury of an extra 2-3 weeks, I would have waited a bit longer on the bigger one, but I need these to finish up in the first week of December.
My stash is much lower than I am comfortable with, gotta get that kitty fattened up again.
Hope they treat you well bro, you go hydro down :d5:
They should finish up around day 75. I've got the best flavor imo from the ones I harvested 77-80 days but definitely not needed. I got 2 fems going myself, flavor is a family favorite :thumbsup: can't wait to make some rosin out of
Day 15

So, into week 2. Things are looking great. I was trying to sex them tonight and still not getting anything but on the positive side I am beginning to see some trich coverage begin and one is really showing good signs of female and one with much less trichs so I am hoping I am seeing the start of one of each. Worse case, I believe the one is most definitely a female with all the early trichs! Keep the multi sex karma coming!

Plant 1




Plant 2



Looks like two females. We will see in the coming days:thumbsup: looking really healthy bro, early tris thats awesome bro great macros.
Very possible bro, not discounting that either. I would be happy with anything other than two males! For sure we have at least one female and I am so happy with that I can't stand it!