Indoor Magic Prototypes

and #1 - showing barely any orange but density is pretty damn strong so I'm not complaining
about any extra time...still so early and fast.

Sorry about the sideways shots...don't have the gumption to correct this evening.
No doubt you are killing it trap bro. :d5:

They look awesome and all look similar. Do they all smell the same or do we have anyone that smells different?
Number #2 will be done really soon. :pass:What size pots did you use bro?
Morning all. Took everything out of the drying cabinet late last night. Put it up in mason jars for the cure. Will be takin off on Tuesday for the cabin and will give it a proper smoke report later this week and again in a few weeks as well. Was tempted to roll a doob last night, but decided to wait. Smelled great and the bag factor would be a 5 star. More to follow...
Sweet Bri I can wait to see what you and the guys think about it:pass:i would have rolled that j tho.:eyebrows:lol
day isnt over yet bro! might just get some work done and twist one up. I am spoiled, I like the smooth, cured, make your saliva run type smoking/vaping. I may just load up the pax and sip on it through out the day. :thumbsup: The wife doesn't like me doing that, because by about 3 pm I'm looking for the couch!:biggrin:
No doubt you are killing it trap bro. :d5:

They look awesome and all look similar. Do they all smell the same or do we have anyone that smells different?
Number #2 will be done really soon. :pass:What size pots did you use bro?

2 GAL Equiv. (about 1.6 to 1.8 on mine) Airpots.

Hard to tell on the smell...what aspect is coming from which plant. the fuel has picked up a sweetness
that wasn't present before.
2 GAL Equiv. (about 1.6 to 1.8 on mine) Airpots.

Hard to tell on the smell...what aspect is coming from which plant. the fuel has picked up a sweetness
that wasn't present before.
Very interesting. The Sour diesel mom had a grapefruit undertone that didn't show until cure. 2 two gal pots love the side branching, now I'm wondering how big they get in a 3-5gal pots I got some experimenting to do. How are they doing on feeding? Are they needy or easy to maintain?

Oh and I see purple coming in on your sugar leaves:thumbsup:
I thought you'd see that ;)

These gals have been pretty heavy feeders...I have been running a fair amount of Tiger Bloom (which isn't exactly delicate) and now, post flush, they are taking moderate amounts of Roots Organic HPK which also isn't a gentle PK Booster. They've obviously been very easy to be honest I've only checked my soil pH like 3 times through this grow and I have buffered my feed pH ONCE. The rest of the time, I've just sorta been able to guess what my feed solution is at and that the soil/lime has been able to keep in a good range. Part of this is throwing in a just water feed every once in a while to bring it back up.

They've been super easy and able to take a good shot of nutes.

The thin limb sitch probably isn't all the way solved....but it's compounded by the heavy/dense flowers. Coming to the end now, I have needed to add vertical dowel support to #2 and have a lot of string in there, keeping the side branches from spreading out too wide. Good problem to have though....buds too heavy :)
Hello everyone. Just stop threw tell yall what a great job is going on here.

@Magic looks like you have created some beautiful genetics and i wish you success in your breeding. Lots of ppl out there will be relieved with your meds soon i hope.
Pretty sure i have some beans with your lineage in them. Ill have to look at my notes and get back to you

Edit: Cheesus- Sweet cheese x Magic dragon..... That wouldnt happen to be your magic dragon in the cheesus, is it?
:cheers:Trap good to hear they can take a good feeding but aren't too needy, I really like the bud density on the black diesel, and the speed is a plus. Can't wait to see how they finish and hear how they smoke

Thanks grow beast for checking in and the nice words, the plan is to add a little bit of magic to everyone's med cabinet.
Nope magic is not mine tho I plan to work with it really soon. I've only crossed black dragon and stone dragon with strains so far:thumbsup: I am working on the first mephisto dragon cross. Kracken: Sour Crack x Black Dragon
I got a lot of work todo before I get to where I want to release anything, thanks for joining this magical journey :pass: