Extraction Made my first tincture...

The Medicine Man

Head Hydro Honcho
May 29, 2011
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I've been getting a lot of requests from patients and potential patients to do edibles, topicals, and tinctures. Well, I made my first tincture over the last week using just dry leaves. Figured I could try to extract the other cannabinoids and see how it worked out.

I soaked 6 ounces of pulverized leaf in a half gallon mason jar filled almost to the top with 100 proof vodka. Let that soak in the fridge for 4 days and today I boiled everything off. I ended up with maybe 2 tablespoons of finished tincture. I had to see what it tasted like, 'cause it smelled interesting, and one lick of the spatula was enough. Probably would equate to 3 drops worth. Yea, that'll knock someone out. I'm not a small guy, not too large either, and wowee. Figured I'd share with ya'll.
151 rum or 151 everclear does a much better job of extracting, the everclear taste much better, sounds great i make gals of the stuff, my patience's love it, the 151 everclear is strong, my glycerin tincture taste much better but is not as strong and takes a lot longer to make
Taste is OK... everclear is illegal in my state (but cannabis isnt....) so next time I'll use 151 rum for sure. The effect is killer though, so that's what's important.
everclear 151 proof is legal in most states, but the high alcohol one is illegal here too
I did add a touch of honey, but not enough. And... it's almost gone so for the next batch I'll definitely try something else to add. Mmm, grand marnier.
I usually use 96% medical grade alchohol and reduce it by 1/2 or 2/3 which makes the taste less "alchoholic". I blend with orange juice and it goes down fine, tastes a bit like grapefruitjuice (I use freshly pressed juice). Amaretto is also good.
How do you use it? It it to go down the digestive route?..Or under the tongue?
Just chiming in because most edibles do nothing to me as far as a buzz is concerned but if I drop an alcohol tincture under my tongue and hold it there for 30-40 seconds it works much better. A great masking taste is anise seed and stars soaked along with the cannabis in the alcohol... That is unless you hate black liquorice...
I put it under the tongue. If its a thick one then I let it sit there for a while and then swallow the remainder.