For those following this: I wanted to add a couple things. First, I've read several times about people burning their oil using a crockpot. Crockpots, even on on low, like any electrically heated device, have a hot spot. This hotspot is what burns your food, oil etc, over time. What I've done to avoid that is, I place 2 jar lids in the bottom of my large crock pot. I have several small, round Pyrex dishes ( I think they hold 2 cups ). The large crock can hold 2 of these. I place the dishes on top of the jar lids, then fill the crock with water to about 1/3 the height of the dishes. With this method to can heat yout oil on either high or low, for as long as you like, without burning your oil. If you use the alcohol extract, this is a safe way to speed up the evaporation. I placed it next to an open window ( my kitchen counter has a window behind it ) to carry out the fumes. Just be sure you have evaporated all the alcohol, unlike I did the first time. I lost enough oil for 20 caps because the alcohol ate the capsules!
I'm starting today to use three caps a day to see how it helps with my pain, and if it has an affect on my type 2 diabetes. My lady will be using 2 standard caps, 8 hours apart, and one concentrate cap at bed time. I'll document our progress with this. In the search for treating her MS, we may step it up to full RSO oil, with the exception we will use Everclear for the solvent. Thus the reason for our outdoor grow, we will need a lot of material. My daughter also wants to try treating her Thyroid tumor with it, as doctors have refused to operate.