Outdoor M!5 outdoor growing, sprouted on 16th of april. Asking for tips and review!



So, here I am! The plant sprouted 3 weeks ago, and this is the 19th day.
I'm here just to ask you for some tips, because she doesn't look as big as i expected.
I've bought 5 female MI5 seeds and they sent me 2 female Dr.Feelgood seed ( Short stuff) and 2 Diesel Matic female seeds ( Black Skull).
I've done some stupid things, because this is the first time i grow.:bow:
- 1 week ago or so, maybe less, i realized that the first pot was too little, so i transplanted it in a new 7l one.
- I didn't want to grow inside, so i kept her always outside, just covered her when the weather was bad and that's all. During nice sunny days she is under direct sunlight for 10 hours or something. The problem is that the weather has been kinda awful, and she still looks f***in short.
I'll start with the nutes in one week. Which nutes should i buy? Somebody told me to mix veg and bloom together, but imho is not a good idea.
The soil is a mix made by organic soil, *geranium made for* soil and some drainage stones..

Here the pics

Day 1


The shadow is from the phone. ;)
Hey Gengi welcome to AFN! :smokebuds:

Here's a feeding schedule that FullDuplex posted for the Fox Farm trio of nutes. The formula for the diluted strengths can be applied to whatever nutes you choose.

I have seen a few questions on this as well as had a few directly asked to me about these products. Since there was a demand on the knowledge i figured i would share what i use and how much and when.

Currently i am using my own teas, BUT i still have the FF on standby. When it comes to FF products you have to know one thing these are not organic, but they do have organic compounds in them. You have to be careful with the use of them as they WILL burn the piss out of your plants. With that said lets get into the meat and potatoes of this.

Right now Fox Farms sells a wide variety of cannc friendly ferts, soils, and mixes that suit any need of the grower. It leaves you with several questions as to what to use, how much and when. i hope to simplify this for you after you read this info. i have tried a few of their products other than the FF trio but i have to say hands down that if used right as well as routinely fed your plants will get huge. There is Grow Big, Big Bloom, and Tiger Bloom that form the main trio, they offer it in both soil and hydro applications. So they cover both sides of the spectrum here. So you hydro guys are not left out of this as the levels i use for the soil are THE same as i used for Hydro back in the day. Im sure that i could have pushed it a little further in the hydro setup.

Most autos do not need fed until they sex, most of them make it to this point before they ever need any type of feeding other than the pH water. Usually you see the need for feed at or around 2 weeks of life. You will see the Cotyledons begin to yellow and this is usually the first sign for food. At this point most begin to add nutes to their feedings to heal the plant as well as make it grow. I how ever push them a little bit when it comes to the FF stuff. I have grown out several autos and have learned from them what they like and when they like it and most important can handle it.

As you grow out your own autos you will see that they need a specific treatment from one strain to the next, even one pheno to the next. As we know autos are not real stable at this time but are getting close to it. I see this happening in the near future though.

So if you would like to super charge your autos this is what I do. But remember that this is my feed schedule to my conditions as well as soil amendments. SO if you know you have a hot soil ease up on the mix to make sure you dont burn and if your soil is plain compo you can get a little brave but less is more here.

The back of most of the FF bottles say 2teaspoons for regular feed and 3 for heavy feeding. I never use the 3teaspoon regimen. 2tsp is ideal for a 1/4 part break down.

1 pH water only

1.5 add in Big Bloom to the mix at 1/2 tea spoon

2 1/2tsp Grow Big 1/2 tsp Big Bloom

2.5 3/4 tsp of grow big

3 1tsp grow big and 1/2 Tiger bloom 1/2 tea spoon Big Bloom

3.5 1/2 tsp Grow Big 1/2tsp Tiger bloom

4 1tsp Tiger bloom 1/2 tsp Grow Big

4.5 Clean pH'ed water to clear out salt build up

5 2tsp tiger bloom 1/2 grow big

5.5 1 Teaspoon Grow Big

6 Begin Flush for the final weeks. At this point i can flush for a week before i begin to see yellowing of the fans.

I like to leave enough time to get all the salts out of there before the harvest. This stuff WILL salt up on you and cause build up and lock out.

Hope this helps some of you out there and remember this may vary to your application. This is just MY feed schedule.
Thank you a lot. And for what concern the photos? The "white" spot on the first leaf is a micro caterpillar fault. I've found him and got rid of him :howdy:. Doesn't she look too small or stunted? Maybe because of the weather
he talks about week one. Does he mean first week after sexing right or not? If no, should i begin with 1tsp grow big and 1/2 Tiger bloom 1/2 tea spoon Big Bloom or less?
She looks a little small, but she looks healthy. Her size could be due in part to the fact that she hasn't gotten any type of feeding yet. Most folks around here usually start to give diluted feedings starting week 2, depending on what type of soil they're growing in and whether or not the soil is amended with anything. Speaking of soil, how is the drainage of the soil your Mi5 is planted in?

Nice work on nabbin the little caterpillar! :thumbs:
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he talks about week one. Does he mean first week after sexing right or not? If no, should i begin with 1tsp grow big and 1/2 Tiger bloom 1/2 tea spoon Big Bloom or less?

No, he means after they break dirt. I would ease her into the feedings for her first dosage or two and see how she takes it. Maybe give her 1/2 teaspoon Grow Big and 1/2 of Big Bloom for her first feast.
Hey Gengi welcome to AFN! :smokebuds:

Here's a feeding schedule that FullDuplex posted for the Fox Farm trio of nutes. The formula for the diluted strengths can be applied to whatever nutes you choose.
Do you know any site where i can buy them? Because in their site they talk only about australia, and it's not that close to southern europe. :D
Hello and welcome! Your growth could be delayed a little by the outdoor variables. In example, how cold does it get at night? Has it rained alot? When you say 10 hours of direct sunlight, do you mean that literally? Are there still 4 hours or so of daylight besides? Like kindred said, could also be nutes. technically you can start during week 2, but thats if there arent any nutes in the soil, both natuaral or infused. Does your soil have any worm castings, bone meal, fish meal, peat moss, manure, guano(bat shit), etc? Also, if it does, it will lower your ph in your soil. You want to check the runoff regularly to make sure your soil is between 6.3 and 6.8. 6.5 being optimal. when you check ph of both your water/nutes and soil runoff i HIGHLY recommend getting a digital ph tester. It will be by far your most important piece of equipment in your whole arsenal. Treat it like you would your bible, or something of equivelant importance. Anyhow, i hope i didnt scare you off, but all of the above are things that could effect your plants growth. Before you do anything MAKE SURE your ph is in check.(Sorry about the caps, im not yelling i promise) If your soil is off, you cant fix anything with nutes or even water, or things will get locked out of your plant. Also check your waters ph both before and after you add nutrients. Nutrients both raise and lower ph when added, depending on which type of nutes you use. Ok, hope this helps! ill be subbed into your grow log now, following you. Im stoked to see how things turn out. If you heed my advice, you will do well. Good luck!:pop:
Do you know any site where i can buy them? Because in their site they talk only about australia, and it's not that close to southern europe. :D

ps-you can buy almost anything from amazon.com.
I'm not 100% sure where you can get FF products over there. The FF line is just one of many that people around here are using. I've switched from the FF trio and started using Grow More Sea Grow; All-Purpose (16-16-16) and Flower & Bloom (4-26-26). Super easy to use, a little goes a long way, and the same breakdown of the ratios for using the FF trio can be applied to the Grow More stuff. Here's a link to their website so you can check them out. http://www.growmore.com/pages/productservices.html

I know a couple people across the pond are using their products, so you shouldn't have too much trouble finding them.