New Grower Lowrider 2

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Hey i'm on day 47 or so on my LR2 and have had PH prob's from about day 23 or so, and she's doing fine. Your girls really bushed out nicely - amazing how fat the LR2's get in just a couple of weeks. My LR2 is stunted from the abuse and over-nuting/watering, and I'm done with trying to correct her at this point, there's only maybe 2 weeks left for mine and she's still getting spots on the older leaves. Some of the flowers already have about 50% amber tri's, but most are still white and they are covered with lots of frosty resin.

My pistils are not nearly as long as yours, it's just a very short, extremely thick/bushy plant that I grew in a PC box and now under a UFO LED.

I hate to say this, but I would not worry so much about her health at this stage and just concentrate on maximizing your buds/flowers, your PH can't be that far-off if she's still growing pistils and like Muddy said, feed her some molasses and bloom nutes, and IMO, don't sweat the rest, she'll finish-up just fine - the hardest part I'm learning with these auto's is getting them into flowering - once you're there - you're golden and the LR2's in particular seem very resilient.

I'm lovin' my LR2 and can't wait to grow some more, fantastic strain/plant for micro growing.

Hi man,thank for your encouraging words! !any pictures of your grow?I mixed up a batch of mollases and bio bizz bloom 2-6-3.5 with about a TEASPOON of mollases and 2ml of biobizz bloom in a gallon of water as muddy instructed and fed yesterday.What is IMO mate?Both girls look fine and ive noticed after spraying epsom salts diluted in a quart gallon that the top leaves on the tall girl,are not curled up so much any least the very top small leaves..I've mixed up a new batch of mollases and this time i added 3ml of biobizz and a TABLESPOON of mollases in a gallon and if the girls look fine tomorrow i will feed them the mix on every watering.
As I said, the molasses and epsom salts may or may not work depending on where you're pH is at. But there is no harm in trying them and no, they won't kill your plants. Just check and make sure that molasses is unsulfured. If so, then take a gallon of water and add 1 tablespoon of the molasses and 2 ml of the bloom nutes and feed it to the plants. If they respond well to that, then next feeding do 1 tablespoon of molasses and 3 ml of the bloom. Yes, mix them together. Mix the 1 teaspoon of epsom salts with a quart of water and spray both sides of the leaves once a day for about 3 days. If there is a deficiency you should see some changes in a few days. If it is a pH problem, there probably won't be any change.

Muddy,when should i stop feeding bloom nuts and mollases?and how exactly do you flush?you let a little run off or alot?i think i should be covered with the answers for these last questions if all goes well as far as plant health goes..Again,thanks muddy,you have been a great help!
At 7 weeks they could be just starting to finish up. Even still, it would be useful to know where your pH is sitting.

ok muddy,got my ph checked on the water before adding molasses and biobizz bloom and that was on roughly 8..tested the water after adding biobizz and molasses and it was roughly 7..after feeding with the mixture i collected the run off water and tested that too..that was 7 too...i did feed her plain tap water which sat outside over night but still abit of chlorine in it and the ph was 8 so i was feeding her for a good 2 weeks with water ph 8.
Exactly when will depend on the plants. Once the yellowing really starts on the fan leaves you've got about 3 weeks left. I wait about a week and then only give them plain pHed water after that. Again, enough so that you get about 10% run off.

Muddy,when should i stop feeding bloom nuts and mollases?and how exactly do you flush?you let a little run off or alot?i think i should be covered with the answers for these last questions if all goes well as far as plant health goes..Again,thanks muddy,you have been a great help!
That explains it then, you're getting nutrient lockout caused by the high pH. I would suggest adding some white distilled vinegar to your feeding solution and bringing it's pH down to the low 6s.

ok muddy,got my ph checked on the water before adding molasses and biobizz bloom and that was on roughly 8..tested the water after adding biobizz and molasses and it was roughly 7..after feeding with the mixture i collected the run off water and tested that too..that was 7 too...i did feed her plain tap water which sat outside over night but still abit of chlorine in it and the ph was 8 so i was feeding her for a good 2 weeks with water ph 8.
That explains it then, you're getting nutrient lockout caused by the high pH. I would suggest adding some white distilled vinegar to your feeding solution and bringing it's pH down to the low 6s.
how much distilled vinegar would you recommend to a gallon?Actually im thinking of playing it safe and buy a ph down from the petshop,black water tonic if im not mistaken..Is that a wiser choice?
Don't laugh,Im testing with aquarium ph strips and i don't have a lot to experiment with!!
That's going to depend on your starting pH. It's been a long time since I've used any vinegar and honestly I don't remember how much I used. Maybe add a teaspoon to a gallon of water and test it, then adjust from there. I've not used the one you mentioned. The vinegar works fine. Save that other money toward a pH meter.

how much distilled vinegar would you recommend to a gallon?Actually im thinking of playing it safe and buy a ph down from the petshop,black water tonic if im not mistaken..Is that a wiser choice?
I thought I would chirp in cause I am a big time vinigar user. I would rather use vinigar than pH down product or nitric acid. I am never sure what distilled vinigar is so I will not comment on it. I use plain white vinigar that you buy in a grocery store. I put a cup into a 2 liter pop bottle and fill the rest up with water and use it at that strength. I have experimented with up to 3 cups of vinigar and still had no problem with plant damage to a healthy plant. That is my experience with it.

I think a decent pH meter is totally where it is at. I use two of them. One is a Hanna, great meter. The other is a Kelway that reads the same but you have to be dilligent in keeping the contants clean with a scrubby sponge and occaisional buffing with 000 steel wool. I think a meter is essential. I have used test strips and I hate them but if that is all you can afford it is better than nothing.