How old are your plants now? They look a little too young for the fan leaves to be yellowing that much yet. Normally that shouldn't start to happen till they are about 8 weeks old. If it is a cal/mag deficiency as suggested there is no sure way of saying if it a deficiency or is being caused by your pH being off. If the pH is off, adding more cal/mag won't help as the plant won't be able to absorb it. Without knowing the pH it's impossible to make a solid determination of the cause of the problem or recommend a treatment.
Im trying to get A Ph reader from a friend today..Other wise,its a cane and black glasses for me!the girls are 46 days old from seed.so that is roughly 7 weeks in.i reckon its because i gave them fertilizer on day 27 when i shouldn't of have thus the yellow fan leaves..the rest of the plant looks fine to me tho..things look different from a picture and full flash on..will get some more pics today