New Grower Low Stress Training Guide : Descriptions and Pictures

Hello Doc i want to ask for your opinion. I would like to know if "ponytail" early on in growth then little later start to bend be of any benefit vs just start bend from development of 4th set of nodes.
i found ponytailing to make a massive difference mate. makes the side shoots grow soooo much faster. dont leave it on for too long though. i left it for maybe 16 hours once and it did do some damage that took a couple days to recover from. about 8 hours every 2 days works wonders : )
Awesome going try it after work. Thanks for the warning. I was going do it everyday and at some point i would have left it on longer
Knowing this now i will be very conscious not to forgot to remove pony. I love the forums here at AFN The knowledge thats available here is priceless. I was just reading in a thread about benfits of aloe and cannabis. I would've never thought of that in a hundred years.
I do not have a difinitive answer to that. Its pretty much what ever blows your skirt up ;) i feel like the ponytail gets the lowers in motion at an earlier age without the risk of breakage if you go in early trying to bend you will break a fragile seedling. The ponytail in my opinion give a head start on yhe lowers then when bent they are already on the way up and they go crazy.

Some may say different its only an opinion and if any guessing is there then a good ole side by side is in order .

Or you could just do like i do now with 0 tine in life anymore and just plant em and watchem grow lol...
i found ponytailing to make a massive difference mate. makes the side shoots grow soooo much faster. dont leave it on for too long though. i left it for maybe 16 hours once and it did do some damage that took a couple days to recover from. about 8 hours every 2 days works wonders : )
at what age do you start pony tailing mate
Maybe if I hadnt seen some of the great plants that you had trained.I would love to get my plant(s) to the level of the game you have achieved

Thank you for the overly nice compliment lol.... i learned everything i know from wathching growers here on AFN and emulating them. Take a little something from everyone and make it your own, then do bigger and better than i ever have.

Crush it man.
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at what age do you start pony tailing mate
personally i start once the third node is complete mate.
i ponytail the forth node for 8 hours every 2 days to keep it gowing slowly but without damage and allow the side shoots to pop up then top it off once its just about to spread out. few days of recovery then start ponytailing the new growth the same way.
haha fuck ive just realised im in your threas a-train. sorry man. i found 5 oz in the freezer yesterday that i forgot existed.... its all been a bit blurry since then.:dizzy:
“take a little something from everyone and make it your own”
nice quote mate, i like that : )
haha fuck ive just realised im in your threas a-train. sorry man. i found 5 oz in the freezer yesterday that i forgot existed.... its all been a bit blurry since then.:dizzy:

Its all good my man... hope that little suprise treats u well lol