Harvest & Curing Low and Slow

Fridge: 38°/53%
I took a weight yesterday, but didn't write it down. (hi 90s) They continue to shed water weight.

Broke down the 2 very large colas to remove the lumber and the moisture it contains. This should help with drying.

Fridge: 38°/56%
Total weight: 88g

The humidity is reading higher today, but weighing these confirms they continue to lose water weight. This humidity may be due to cheap hygrometers. Put 3 in fridge to take an average.

These low and slow buds are still soft. Waiting for the outside to start getting crusty. 7 days into this and buds have lost 53% of weight.

Buds have a fair amount of smell remaining and are VERY sticky.

For comparison, tent dried material is in large jars, stabilized @ 65-68% overnight continuing the draw down to 62%.
Fridge: 38°/52%(multiple hygrometers)
Total weight: 69g

Left out of fridge for 1 hr yesterday to help dry. Faintly skunky whiff when opening fridge. The 2 smaller colas are beginning to get dry enough to rh test in a jar soon.

Things are looking good and on schedule. The final product will tell.
DAY 12
The 2 smaller colas have been in and out of jars for a few days now and are closing in on 62%. The single Sour Stomper is the smallest (7g) but looking and smelling very good. With only 7g, I want to finish all of it right with a good cure.

The 2 large colas are still in the frige. Both of those plants were kind of low(7) on the density scale when i trimmed the hung-dry portion. The fridge colas look to have shrunk nicely with the sloww dry and gotten denser(9).

I think I like this method. It might be worth fabricating some wire shelves to scale it up to fit a good amount in there.

I'd be surprised if the 4 samples I tested this method on aren't all top shelf.