Making Cob Stopper Style

I do a final side packing and cut off the extra husk. Kinda look like taquitos don’t they.
All done and ready to be vacuum sealed.
Time to do Ripley’s OG. These are 32 grams each and I used a new piece of wax paper. The resin on them are extremely tacky and made it hard to work with. It packed easier than the Mango Smile but kept sticking to my gloves. I had to work hard to remove and keep it from ripping the wax paper. This material would have stuck to the wall.


Vacuum sealed and ready to go into the sweating stage.
I use a dehydrator because I already had it for drying apples from our trees. It is placed at the lowest temperature setting. The knives are placed to keep the end of the bag from flopping. I also place a hygrometer to keep an eye on the temp but really don’t need it after all the runs I’ve made because it doesn’t fluctuate. More for piece of mind.
Hi @Cobstopper If you look down the page in Harvest and Curing you will see posts by Tandwena , I asked him if he could come onto AFN to share his knowledge . I have made cobs with Golden Tiger , ate about 2 1/2 grams , and sent me to another world , Very strong :thumbsup:
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Hey Henco, I saw his thread a few years ago but decided to start a separate one to showcase how I do it. Hope that's ok instead of adding to his. :d5: