Looking for some Soil Advice for Spring 2019 Prep.

Hey Thank you for the thoughts, i'll have to look into it at a supply store to source it. Thanks @DTOM420

@Eyes on Fire Prepping now for the Soil. Mind if I fire you a PM Eyes? Wanting to start the mix cooking by Mid April in the Greenhouse.

You’re very welcome, brother! I haven’t had time to get on here lately, until today. I’m getting serious about my soil building. I went and picked up 8 yards of premium dairy cow compost yesterday and I have to dump it out of the trailer today. That ought to do me for a while. Lol. Hope your project is going well!

Definitely take EoF’s offer to help - he REALLY knows his stuff!
Even tho I can't get a lot of what you guys can , Mr Eyes has taught me a lot over the years , The fundamentals of soil building being the main thing , So no matter where you live the knowledge you will gain from old mate is worth it's weight in gold . :thumbsup: @TheQueensRaven
Much Love Guys. Love this Community. Actually I have 2 photo's going now, and a Auto. Was doing some Prep work in the Greenhouse today and lugged in a few bags of Steer Manure...Not as much as you apparently lol @DTOM420 . I'll be mixing up my Soil in about 5 days if the weathers good. Still prepping the Greenhouse. I took some pics if anyones interested.

@hecno good thoughts bud. Couldn't agree more. I'm still learning but each seasons successes and failures bolster me.
If you are growing outdoors some autos will surprise you with their growth and I have had more than one overgrow a 5 gal pot. If you want bigger plants I would go with at least 7 and have used 10 and 20 gal myself but those were super autos and I am glad I used the bigger container cuz the plants were near ten feet when done and yielded almost 20 ounces. Also depends on how close your plants are.? Oh you are in Canada eh’.?(couldn’t resist eh’) I guess gorilla growing is a thing of the past.You kinda control the size by restricting root growth which can also hasten maturity.You should be fine whichever way you go. Experiment my friend to find what works best for you. Since you are in Canada you could also turn up some earth and mix in all your amendments in the ground for a dedicated “garden” spot or even green house. Good luck! May the grow gods be with you