Thanks for the quick replies guys!
Squid you are correct they are still in Jiffy starter.
GDZ they are still in Jiffy starter which seems a bit light on perlite.....I hope to move them as soon as I can get the ph to settle
Muddy, thanks for the info on the vinegar, I thought I was going nuts.
FD's recipe for soil:
I mixed this one week ago. I made a triple batch due to the size of my pots. Mine varied slightly as follows.
80 lbs composted cow manure
59.5 qts sterile Perlite
3 cups each blood and bone meal
4.5 cups powdered oyster shells
4.5 cups Epsom salt
1.5 cups kelp meal
3 cups powdered baby cereal

This is what the mix looks like

This is what I could find to lower ph of soil. Will this be OK? Any thoughts on how much to use? Soil is currently 7-7.2 best I can tell with my crappy meter

I did spray with the ammonia solution as you suggested (I hope you ment foliar spray) just before the lights went out for the night.
I didn't have much hope for the ph meter. It's all I could find locally.
Any suggestions on an acceptable ph meter?
I choose the 5 & 6 gallon pots based on the theory of more room for roots = bigger plant
Sorry for all the questions I'm painfully new to this......I appreciate all the help!!
Thanks to all

Squid you are correct they are still in Jiffy starter.
GDZ they are still in Jiffy starter which seems a bit light on perlite.....I hope to move them as soon as I can get the ph to settle
Muddy, thanks for the info on the vinegar, I thought I was going nuts.
FD's recipe for soil:
25lb bag of compo
18Qt Bag perlite
3 cups of Blood and bone Meal
1.5 cups of powdered egg shells
1.5 Cups of Epsom salt
1/2 cup of sea weed kelp
1 cup of powdered baby cereal
I then mix all this together at once. Mix until you think you have mixed enough and then do it some more for about 5 min. After this test the soil's PH. Adjust it to where you need it by using the lime of coffee grounds to go down. Most of the time you will need to bring it down. If you need to bring it up I have used baking soda in the past. Once you have it to the desired level you can let it sit until you need it. Now I have never let it sit for any specific amount of time other than just over night before use.
I mixed this one week ago. I made a triple batch due to the size of my pots. Mine varied slightly as follows.
80 lbs composted cow manure
59.5 qts sterile Perlite
3 cups each blood and bone meal
4.5 cups powdered oyster shells
4.5 cups Epsom salt
1.5 cups kelp meal
3 cups powdered baby cereal

This is what the mix looks like

This is what I could find to lower ph of soil. Will this be OK? Any thoughts on how much to use? Soil is currently 7-7.2 best I can tell with my crappy meter

I did spray with the ammonia solution as you suggested (I hope you ment foliar spray) just before the lights went out for the night.
I didn't have much hope for the ph meter. It's all I could find locally.
Any suggestions on an acceptable ph meter?
I choose the 5 & 6 gallon pots based on the theory of more room for roots = bigger plant
Sorry for all the questions I'm painfully new to this......I appreciate all the help!!
Thanks to all