Live Stoner Chat long time smoker, first time grower

Apr 7, 2013
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been smokin for about 10 years, now im on day 26 of my first ever grow. i was smokin purely for recreation when i first started smoking, but the last few years ive been smoking for additional medicinal benefits to. i dont smoke to numb pain, i have schizophrenia and sever depressive disorder. cannabis helps me to think clearly and in depth about things, something i cant do with prescription meds (they turn you into a zombie lol). the most effective way of using cannabis for me is go on a bike ride with a joint and listen to music, exercise and think, boosts my mood and helps me to sleep.

ive had troubles with heavy drug use in the past, but now i smoke weed and only weed, as there are just so many benefits to me from it. i refuse to go on prescription meds with literally dozens of side effects to get about a quarter of the relief i get from weed. any relief eased by prescription meds are immediately countered and nullified by the horrible side effects. fuck that.

since coming off the prescription shit and sticking to just cannabis my life is already so much more tolerable and im actually planning and looking forward to the future now, something which i know for a fact wouldnt be happening if it wasnt for cannabis. also the recreational benefits are amazing, but just because its 'fun' doesnt mean its not an effective medicine, which i find most people struggle to believe.

i struggle with putting thoughts into words, i hope this shit makes sence lol. this site is great, ive learnt so much from here and learn new shit everyday. about a quarter way through my first ever grow (nirvana northern lights) and already cant wait for the next one :thumbs:
Glad to hear things are going much better my friend, good things happen to good ppl sometimes the good comes right after a lot of bs, stay positive and positive things shall come my friend, wish the best for you and yours
Hey moose it al make sense hang in there bro enjoy the site and a BIG HIGH welcome to AFN, nice to have you to join our family of Breeders and Growers of Auto-flowering Cannabis. There is a New Growers Forum thread with all the help you need for a successful grow. Remember there is a wealth of knowledge in the stickies at the top of the pages as well as the Reference Links threads. The Site Terms Of Use is posted in the above sticky . Now join in and enjoy your new family of Growers and Friends.

TOKE OUT :smokebuds:
Welcome to AFN Anonamoose! :smokebuds:

I'm a MtBiker and nothing better than a smoke and a ride!!! Good growing to you!:peace:
Mr Moose Brother.Hows things friend?!!Well I do hope, Im really glad you decided to hop aboard the superfull of awesomeness train :thumbs:
I too ,can very much relate to what your going through brother.We'll help you get your grows dialed in ,along with helping YOU get a bit more dialed in my friend.Karma grow clouds for you Bud.. :wiz: :smokeit:



"New member's guide"
There's a few good link's in my sig.
please read the site rules
Any question's feel free to ask, If I don't know the answer's, I can tell you who will..​
Glad to hear things are lucking up for your moose. I smoke mostly for enjoyment and sometimes feel a little guilty about it actually so it is always nice to hear from people that really benefit from it. I suppose if I didn't smoke for the enjoyment I would be on medication myself so maybe I actually need it more than I think, lol. Anyways, welcome, you have come to the right place!
Welcome dude...your gonna love this site :smoke: