New Grower Long Term Storage of Weed

Jul 7, 2013
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My question concerns the amount of weed which should be stored in a container.

I use both cvaults and mason jars to store my buds, and boveda paks are included inside of every container. I replace the boveda paks when they become brittle, which isn't often as the containers aren't opened very often. Even with the 62% boveda paks, the weed seems to dry out quickly. Sometimes I fill the container to the top with buds and other times the container is only about 2/3's full. Yet each time the cured buds seem to dry out quite a bit no matter how much weed is in the container. The containers are stored in cool places which are dry, dark and away from heat. The containers are rarely opened once the weed is stored.

Does the amount of weed in a container effect the moisture of the buds? Perhaps not enough air is circulating in the container? The weed still tastes and smokes fine after over 1 year of storage and the buds are solid, it's just really dry weed. Is this normal?

Thanks for any and all suggestions, helpful hints, etc.! :tiphat:
Can't really help ya here except to say more weed is more moisture and more air dries quicker when it comes to storing in jars.
In my experience buds always get dryer with age, but usually not quickly ( I don't use the boveda packs so can't help ya there). If the jars are seales airtight with about 3/4 of well dried bud it should keep for quite some time.
Only thing that I can think of right now is that the bud could already be quite dry going in the jar. Maybe next time you could try with a few buds dried 1 or 2 days less then the rest of the harvest and see af that dries out more slowly when placed in a jar.
Cvault should keep a better handle on the humidity, over mason jars. Even if you crank down the lid on a mason jar, you will still have humidity loss over a period of time. You can go up to the 65% bovida, which is what I use, but I seldom have my weed sitting around that long!:grin: Try the 65's and you should be a happy camper.:thumbs: This giude should help a bit.
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I can't give you a concise awnser. But I've had good luck stuffing the jars full and adding 4 small Boveda packs in there. You could vacume seal the jars in plastic bags to completely seal them. It's probably a function of how much moisture the air in the jar will hold.
I've used mason jars for only 2 harvests, the rest of my bud is stored in cvaults. Interesting idea that the more air in the cvault, the more likely the buds will dry quickly. I've always thought just the opposite, but I live and learn!

Using 65% boveda paks might be the answer! Some of my weed has been stored for almost 2 years (my wife and I don't smoke weed as often as others here). The stone is still great, but the buds are much more dry than 2 years ago. Perhaps the dryness is simply a function of age as opposed to the amount of buds in the cvault as the potency isn't affected one bit.

THANKS!!!!! :dance2:
tbh I love it when some great tasting bud is so dry it crumbles to a powder when you look at it. Awesome!
Only rarely do I meet bud that is around long enough to become that dry ;)
One thing I've noticed is that if I accidentally dry the bud a bit more than intended the Boveda packs(I use 62s) don't help all that much, my guess is that they only permeate a very small amount of moisture, enough essentially to maintain rather than adjust the humidity.
I've read that 65% Boveda Paks are for long term cigar storage whereas 62% Boveda Paks are specifically for the curing and long term storage of weed. The 65% packs may cause mold on weed which has been stored long term, and 2 years seems to be considered long term. Jurassic weed! :grin:

This linked article discusses the effect of humidity on cannabis:

This article talks about the long term storage of cannabis:
I got the opposite effect medi, but I added 4 of the 62's and let it sit for about 4 days. still wasn't were I wanted it but at least it wasn't bone dry.