New Grower Long Term Storage of Weed

What about converting it to wax or hash and storing that?
I've read that 65% Boveda Paks are for long term cigar storage whereas 62% Boveda Paks are specifically for the curing and long term storage of weed.

I've heard that as well, but believe me the 62s are used quite often by cigar smokers. In fact, that's what I have in my humidor. Cubans in particular seem better at the lower humidity. NOT THAT I WOULD EVER SMOKE THEM! Gosh, that would be illegal!

I can't say my tobacco experience transfers over, but certainly the idea that more air in the jar=faster drying does. I would NOT trust vacuum bags over mason jars either, unless, again, weed drys differently than tobacco. There's one brand of pipe tobacco that is sold in sealed bags; whenever I buy it, I immediately transfer it to mason jars. If you want to REALLY save your weed for a long time in mason jars, you can always try another old pipe tobacco trick: after you crank down the lid, turn the jar over and dip it in melted wax. When the wax hardens, you have a seal.
I would think that tobacco drying and storage does transfer to weed drying and storage. I only have 2 harvests stored in mason jars, the remaining harvests are stored in cvaults with 62% boveda paks inside the cvaults and mason jars. I suppose that weed naturally dries the longer it's stored while the original potency remains, regardless of how full the container is.

Thanks for the many enlightening replies to my original post! :peace:
Does anyone do long term storage in the freezer?

I don't understand the science and I have stored weed in my freezer but I know that un-vacuumed food is only good for about a year in the freezer because the moisture works it's way out of the food into the packaging and results in freezer burn. I'd guess the same would go for weed.
Hey Micro, here's my take on this (... yet another guy down the pub says?)

Inside a perfectly sealed jar of herb you have air, herb, and water. The water will distribute itself between the herb and the air to give an equilibrium where the moisture content of both the air and herb will stay constant (I think that this will depend on temperature in a perfectly sealed jar, but I'm not totally sure). If you also add a Boveda pack then this will control the humidity in the air, and hence also the moisture content of your herbs.

If you open the jar then you could exchange your moisture laden air from inside the jar for dry ambient air, and if you do so once the jar is closed again the herbs (or Boveda pack) will need to release some of their moisture in order to restore the equilibrium which is appropriate to the storage temperature. If you don't use Boveda (or something else to restore moisture) then your herbs will be slightly drier afterwards (although perhaps not noticeably). Over time the situation will get gradually worse as the jar is opened.

If you're using Boveda then it should compensate, but only until it dries out too far. Ways to combat the loss of moisture would be to keep the jars as full as possible, and to minimise the number of times that the jar is opened. The problem would most likely get worse more quickly as the jars get emptier, as there is less herb to supply the required moisture, but also more air requiring moisture to be supplied. As I see it the purpose of the Boveda is to provide a controlled source of moisture to replenish that which is lost every time you open the jar to get some herbs out.

I'm in awe of your restraint though, long term storage isn't a problem for me because there's nothing left to store by then.
I store long term. I use one large 60 gram Boveda 62% per 1/2 gal jar ... The weed does not dry out if the jar is opened once a week/month for a minute or less ... if you pull the weed out and put back in it will dry out faster. A jar that is kept closed after the weed has "breathed" enough can be kept closed w/o a Boveda and stay at the same level of moisture (+ o r -3%) for well over a year. Too much weed in a jar can cause mold. I like my weed cured for at least 4 months so now as it reaches the correct taste I am vacuum sealing the 1/2 gal jars ... too early to tell if it will slow down aging but in theory it should work great ... to date I've had no issues w/ leaving a Boveda 62 in the jar when I vacuum seal them ...


W/ a hand held sealer it's easy to open and close the jars periodically...
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Thanks for the info.microwave.How much does R/H in your area affect the dope in the jars.I guess what i,m asking is does the R/H in a specific area favor pot storage.Peace.
Cheers for the many helpful hints and ideas! :tiphat:

Long term storage of weed (1 - 2 years) has come about due to my wife and I experimenting with various strains and learning which strains we prefer over other strains. But even the strains we prefer less than others, we still want to store it well in case the strain gets better with age or we come around to the high provided by that strain. I suppose that the buds are very dry, even whilst stored in cvaults using 62% boveda paks, because this prevents mold from forming. The cvaults are filled pretty much to the top with buds, so there's little air circulation in these containers. The buds are just as potent and have as fragrant of a smell as when they were curing, so the buds are still in excellent condition. Just very dry.

I live in a high humidity area i.e. 65%+ year round. Because the buds are stored in cvaults, and the cvaults are opened only a handful of times a year (mostly to check on the condition of the 62% boveda paks), I don't think that the outside humidity has an effect on the quality of the weed. If I kept the weed in another container, then the outside humidity would likely affect the weed.

This website is truly a fountain of knowledge! Many thanks once again for the knowledge passed on in this thread! :hug:

Time to break out some of my Jurassic weed! Jurassic, not a bad name for a strain if any breeders are reading this post... :grin:
Great answer man,you really clarified that for me.Peace brother micro.