the baby likes to unpluug things and he may have unplugged the computer while it was on too many times... i have to wait until my girlfriend comes home to ask her. things arnt looking good... let me see what i have on my camera yet....
Well while im typing @FastBuds do you guys have any plans to do a 4/20 sale ?
Also do you plan on venturing into the CBD strains as they are becoming more popular?
to business and pleasure @FastBuds , my six shooter of last season's greenhouse grew fast and great, then nannered before full maturity, I'm thinking my wild arctic greenhouse environment triggered it, big diurnal swings and period of high heat, have others had nanner issues, or just me?
Holy shit!! I realize there was a massive storm and all, but 50 pages in two days!! Live stonering is tiring!!!
We got about 7" of fluff just south of the Mason Dixon on the alpsalachian mountains. Came down for about 15 hours. Then preceded to melt. No fruit this year from here....
had to harvest her early, was still a real good daytime, but lost a little weight I' sure, so I'll write this off to my not so optimum environment, but hey still getting good smoke
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