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yet another impressive come on tale !!

Dang it, you have figured me out :dammit:

So you know you have met me in real life if some guy comes up and says "Hey babeh I know how David Copperfield made the Statue of Liberty disappear, plus I got this wicked rad scar on my chin andI have a super classy pad wanna come check it out?" hahahaha
Well my argument is always... Rick Simpson. His oil has to be at least 20% THC destroys cancer cells. BUT that's the beauty of our beloved plant. You can breed whatever you need. It's ALL there for a reason... CBD isn't the only healing cancer killing cannabinoid.

And again that's why @Mossy bred the jems the way they are. Take early you have a soaring THC pain free high. Let em amber and good night nurse. Its brilliant... I need to grow pjs again... Miss that strain!!
Omg god bless him. My son 3 y.o. just took his sec9nd dive in the tub. Split his chin open same spot. Last time which was idk a minth or so ago needed stiches. This time i just cleaned it out an steri stripped it. Im just getting back to work from hubby being in an out of surgery. None the less same spot on the chin same size gash. I dont catch a break. Watch him close. Might want to have him checked out blood clots can happen easily and quietly

Hi Honeybfly!!!

Hope your son feels'll build character..Lol
Cool :cool1: you found LS :headbang:
Are you still doing the juicing?

BTW...nice bush
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