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@derek420colorado I just figured I'd know you by the box of wine and stack of red solos under your arm!

Dannnnng right gurrrl I like to party, but I wanna be formal so I wear a tuxedah tshirt with my box wine, red solo cups and double sized UNDERinflated air mattress. Heck who wouldn't wanna party with that!!!!!!!!

We were actually quite rude, myself included. Sorry @Honeybfly again.... @derek420colorado was the only true gentleman :laughcry:(see how I did that)

Scccchhmooovve sir very sccchhhcmooove
@XxxAuto ! You've been a stranger lately!!
time 2 get packed n go see yall in few weeks pray for ma plants lol I want him 2 send pics but then again I wanna b amazed if there not dead on my return peace 2 every 1 have fun
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