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How Big is an elephants dick...?...The racoon on the right shows he is a fisherman...:yeah:

"Oh monochromatic purveyor of ultimate filth we bend to thy name and swear to follow your depraved leadership.
In all that is foul and fishy even on a little dishy until your boat comes in."

The cult of ePenguin is very real, what ever you do don't look in to his hypnotic beady eyes or this could happen to you! It started with the meerkats and now he is recruiting a racoon army, next step World domination, don't say I didn't warn you.
Here's a little more info on the awesome Tomato plant tree for ya Mossy :smoking:

The tomato plant (tree) is also known as the Cyphomandra betacea Sendt. This plant is the most well known among the family of 30 species. It is included in the family of Solanaceae. It is known of different names all over the world. Some of the names are the tree tomato, tomate extranjero, tomato granadilla, tomate, pix, granadilla, caxlan and tomate de arbol. However, shorty after the plant was found in New Zealand, it was named tamarillo and in the commercial world, it is known by that name ever since.

The tomato tree is smaller than other trees however it is different from the other tomatoes as it has a branch that is half woody. This plant has an attractive look. It has the ability to grow quite fast but it has shallow root and might be perfect to be paired with other deep rooted plants. When fully grown, the plant can reach 10 to 18 feet in average or 3 – 5.5 meter. However, there has been noted that some of the biggest tomato tree can reach the height of 25 feet or 7.5 meter. This brittle tree has muskily odorous leaves. The heat shaped leaves are evergreen.

The fruits of the tomato tree are long stalked and can be borne single or also in clusters of as little as 3 and as many as 12. The fruits are not round like most of the tomatoes, rather it has an oval egg shaped like. There are quite a variety of fruit skin colors. There are the blood red, yellow, orange, solid deep purple and a mix or red and yellow. However, the skin of the fruit is tough and it is not please to be consumed. Therefore, one will need to peel the skins before consumption.


The tomato tree is not a tropical plant, rather it is a subtropical one. It has the ability to grow healthily on the land that is of 5000 to 10000 feet above sea level in Ecuador, or 1000 – 3000 feet in Puerto Rico, 1000 to 7500 feet in India, and 6000 feet in Haiti. Among those areas, it is in Haiti that the fruit can grow the best. It needs the temperature of above 10 degree Celsius to grow. When there are frosts, the small branches will be killed, but the main branches as well as the main stem will live if the frost is not too long or too frequent.

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Tree Tomato Tamarillo: How To Grow A Tamarillo Tomato Tree

If you’re wanting to grow something a bit more exotic in the landscape, how about growing a tree tomato tamarillo. What are tree tomatoes? Keep reading to learn more about this interesting plant and how to grow a tamarillo tomato tree.

What are Tree Tomatoes?
Tree tomato tamarillo (Cyphomandra betacea) is a lesser known plant in many regions but make a very nice addition to the landscape. The South American native is a small-growing shrub or semi-woody tree reaching heights between 10-18 feet. Tamarillo trees bloom in early spring, producing fragrant pink flowers. These blooms will eventually give way to small, oval or egg-shaped fruit, reminiscent of plum tomatoes—hence the tomato tree’s name.

While the fruits of growing tree tomatoes are edible and vary between trees, they are much more bitter tasting than your average tomato. The skin is also tougher, with colors varying among the different varieties from yellow to red or even purple. Unripened fruits are also slightly toxic and should only be harvested or eaten when fully ripe (indicated by the variety’s color).

Growing Tree Tomatoes
Learning how to grow a tamarillo tomato tree is easy with the proper conditions. Tree tomatoes grow best in areas where the temperatures stay above 50 degrees F. (10 C.) but can tolerate temperatures as low as 28 degrees F. (-2 C.), though there will be some dieback. Even under the best conditions though, the average lifespan of a tree tomato is about 4 years. If you would like to grow a tree tomato in colder climates, you will want to keep it in a container so that it can be brought in for the winter.

Tree tomatoes tolerate many soil conditions as long as it’s well draining, though compost-enriched soil is preferable for optimal growth.

The tree tomato tamarillo also needs placement in full sun, though in hotter climates it can be planted in areas with partial shade. Due to the shallow root system of these trees, adequate wind protection may also be necessary, such as near the house.

While they can be propagated by seed, cuttings are preferable with seedlings planted once they reach about 5 inches tall. Spacing of additional plants are 6-10 feet apart.

Tomato Tree Care
Growing tree tomatoes are cared for much the same as their tomato counterparts. As with tomato plants, part of your tomato tree care will include plenty of water (though not standing water). In fact, it is helpful to mulch around the tree to retain moisture levels.

A balanced fertilizer should be applied quarterly with bone meal given at the time of planting.

Annual pruning is often recommended for these trees to help keep them looking their best and maintaining their size in small gardens. Pruning can also help encourage branching in younger trees.

Though they suffer little problems with adequate tomato tree care, tamarillo trees can occasionally become infested with aphids or fruit flies. Treating the trees with neem oil is a good way to take care of either of these pests. Powdery mildew is another issue that may pop up in trees where overcrowding or high humidity are factors.

If you are planning on eating the fruits, you can harvest them once they have fully matured (usually 25 weeks following fruit set). Newly planted trees may take up to two years for fruit production to occur. While it’s best to use the fruits right away, you can store them short term in the fridge for a couple weeks. Tree tomato tamarillo fruit is also best eaten with both the skin and seeds removed. They can then be added to salsa or made into jams and jelly.

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