if you like that kinda humour you should try this
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha, What could go wrong?
I love it. Great one Dee.
if you like that kinda humour you should try this
I thought the American version of the office was pretty good I was hooked on it. Tried watching the UK version but they were soft spoken so it was hard for me to pay attention. On the other hand the UK version of skins is like a gazillion times better than the us version
Did you watch season 9 of The Trailerpark Boys? it only came out a month or so ago.I finished trailer park boys which all of you guys recommended loved it and now am on to Dexter another show that was recommended by you folks and i am hooked on this show also. Thanks for the suggestions as I have 6 seasons of It left to watch, and binge watching with a packed bowl is my favorite pass time. Other than growing lol
Did you watch season 9 of The Trailerpark Boys? it only came out a month or so ago.
If you like the the Trailepark boys there are also 3 films
The boys also made a series called "Drunk and on drugs happy funtime hour" well worth a watch.
Plus there is Swearnet the movie and the Swearnet.com - https://www.swearnet.com/
I think the same thing!!!!! It has me hooked I just started season 2I'm just starting out on Dexter. He seems too nice to be a monster. Hope it gets better. I have run out of "The Blacklist" absolutely the best, and SOA is no more.
I loved Jericho and Revolution if you want a recommendation.